Texas Chicken Regulations


In the Brooder
Sep 3, 2020

As many of you are aware we have almost had a chicken bill passed in Texas for the past two legislative sessions, only for them to stall in committee or on the floor. The only way that this stops is by getting a bill started early and making it a priority for your representative. In 2019, our last legislative session the bill was held up by our representatives not wanting to give the folks in HOAs' and POAs' the same rights as those in municipalities. I have drafted the attached bill to submit to my representative, this modifies the bill that died on the floor in 2019. While this does not grant blanket rights it seems to be a compromise that most of us could live with.

To make this happen we need to have everyone contact their representative and make this an issue for them. If you are in Texas and don't know who you representative is I have included a link: https://wrm.capitol.texas.gov/home

While, some of the representatives may change in the upcoming election it is never to early to start sending these requests to them on a weekly/monthly basis. The more they hear from us the more likely they are to prioritize this issue.

Thank you!


  • Chicken Bill.pdf
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For the love of God, please change or include language that prevents, excludes, and otherwise disables cockfighting fans from breeding roosters. No one wants to live next door to that- I hope you don't, either.

I live in an unincorporated area just outside Dallas (actually in the etj) and it's essentially lawless out here. Living next door to 200 roosters with no waddles/combs/spurs, about half are 20' from my bedroom window living in cages not much bigger than they are, will eventually destroy a person's sanity. I've seen the gaffs, even a large metal ring (think of a boxing ring, only smaller) built for the purpose. The cops won't come, local and Dallas city council don't care, SPCA doesn't have any control, it's a damn shame- and the law you are trying to get passed would make it worse.

I'm pleading with you on this one. You want your chickens? Great! Now let's get rid of the bad seeds, and we can all be happy.
We Need the help of all Texans to call their Senator and ask for their support of the HB 1686. See below for info on the bill and how to contact your Senator. Please help those of us who are fighting their HOA and City Municipalities.

HB 1686, the Home Food Security Act, has passed the Texas House by a vote of 143-1! Now the Senate must pass the bill for it to be sent to the Governor to become law!

HB 1686 says that municipalities and HOA’s can’t prohibit you from having up to 6 laying hens, 6 rabbits, (with no more than a total of 8 ) or a front yard garden. It also says that HOA’s can’t prohibit your cottage food operation. Reasonable regulations for noise and odor control are part of this bill – and no roosters.

We all saw the breakdowns in the food supply chain this past year. COVID. Meat-packing plants shut down. The Great Freeze in February with empty grocery shelves and lines out the doors. We can increase our food security if we can produce food for our families on land that we already own.
Find out who your Texas State Senator is by entering your address at this link:
Click on the name that is “Texas Senate District XX”. Their phone number starts with 512-463-XXXX.
OR you can just call the Capitol Switchboard at 512-463-4630 and give the operator your address and ask to be connected to your Senator.
(Don’t call Ted Cruz or John Cornyn, they are our US Senators and can’t help with this!)
Call that number above, and when the staff person answers the phone, say: “Hi, my name is _____ and I am a constituent. I am c
alling to ask Senator ____ to vote YES on HB 1686. It has already passed the House.

You can add a sentence or two about why the bill is important to you: be concise. This is the busiest time of session, so shorter is better!

Read the bill (click the Text tab, choose House Committee Report):

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