Temperamental broodies


5 Years
Jun 18, 2016
I have a few hens who like to sit for a few hours at a time (Orpington, Barnezieux and ayam cemani). In the morning I'll find one or two hunkered down, but by the afternoon they are happily free ranging with the rest of the flock. Is there a way i can encourage them to stay on? I'd like to try to slip them some hatching eggs. Are eggs still good to eat after a bird has been on them briefly?
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Hi, I have the same problem sometimes and I have a method that works every time! I put my broody chicken in a metal crate (with food and water of course) that has wire as the bottom to help with the temperature. I keep the chicken in the cage for 3 days, when I take the chicken back it should be not broody anymore. Hope this helps!
Oh, i meant that my birds will sit for half a day and then give up. I want to buy some hatching eggs fo them!

They have no roo, so their own won't work.

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