Temp Chicken Tractor for Day for Pullets


Aug 31, 2023
Upstate SC
I just purchased my first chickens! - eight pullets that are now about 7-8 weeks old. I have them in a large (42") dog pen in my garage with wood chips as bedding. I have a friend who is constructing a coop for us but it's not ready yet so I'm trying to figure out how I can get them some ranging/outside time in the meantime.
I'm looking at some simple tractors that a local person makes for this purpose. They have 2x4 wire on the floor, covered top and half is covered with a metal roof. The top half opens up. Would this work for them and could I keep them out there at night too or should I just put them out there during the day and bring them into the pen in the garage at night? I just feel like they are getting bored and need sun and grass and the pen is hard to clean.
I'm going away for a few days and having someone come take care of them and I want to keep it as simple as possible but I'm so worried about keeping them in the tractor at night when no one is here.
I'm also SUPER worried about predators - I don't want to loose these sweet chickies and the other day I saw a hawk hanging out near our house, it just makes me paranoid!
I think if the hawk isn't able to catch any of your chicks after a few days he will stop coming around because it is a waste of his time.

What you describe would work. But you could make something yourself with 2" PVC pipe, chicken wire, and a tarp. This would give you time to make a larger, permanent run in your yard, if that is what you are eventually planning. I would bring them in at night. Mine are trained to come inside their own. They already consider the dog crate their home, it's just a matter of herding them through the door into the house. I use their food. If they are hungry they will follow the person with the food, and they know dinner and water await them in the castle.

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