tell me i am not crazy!!


8 Years
Mar 10, 2011
I spent 14 hours in the er yesterday, turned out to be an ovarian cyst that ruptured, they wanted me to stay for a day of observation but i refused, my only reason was that i had chicks to take care is what irratated me the doc pulled my husband aside and told him that it was not normal for a person to put an animals well being before their own,..........I say this is perfectly normal!!!
Wellllllllllllllll, if you're hurting, then you gotta follow doctor's you can get better and take care of the little chicks......Hubby can handle things for a day or so, don'tcha think?

Don't over-do it! (MOM'S ORDERS

Take care,

I say ....Normal! Apart from that the hospitals only want you to stay in longer so they can bill more to the insurance Companies! I got "stuck" in hospital a couple of months ago...their excuse that time was they didnt have the results of the test yet...Bull hocky! I tried to check myself out and they said Medicare wouldnt pay if I did...I was
I don't think you're crazy! I would not have stayed either. With health care costing what it does nowadays, it would not be smart to stay unless you truly had a health issue that needed to be "observed" GI bleeding, or chest pains, or massive infection, or respiratory distress, etc. etc. Even with insurance, a night in the hospital is very pricey! Especially when you can go home and rest in your own bed, take pain meds, and let your husband bring you supper in bed! Unless they were going to give you some treatment or meds that you couldn't do at home, staying over night was just overkill. I am a Medical Technologist (laboratory) with 23 years experience, so I do have some knowledge of what I am talking about. Health care prices are soaring into the stratosphere and much of it is because of Doctors doing tests or treatments or hospital admissions because of "just in case." Also known as CYA (cover your a**). I never heard of anyone dying from a ruptured Ovarian cyst...although they can hurt bad enough to make you think you are!
forgot to add that since i was on an iv with whatever pain medication they were pumping into that at the time,,,,hubby's only response was...I dare you to go tell her that...
Your not crazy. They where just looking for a way to line their pockets. I never hear of an Ovarian Cyst that required hospitalization either. Maybe if they wanted to remove the ovary but that can even be outpatient as a relative had it done. I had a huge cyst removed that was infected and I was outpatient. And bedridden for a week afterwards. Like I said it was a huge cyst and I had 100 stitches. I did go in once with chest pressure and my BP was alot higher than normal and they kept me overnight and it was just an anxiety attack caused from out running a tornado.

Your not crazy. They are.
I would have tried to do the same thing, but my family would have personally held me down. My dog comes first..since I don't have chickens yet.

Doctors sometimes don't get it. I'm not knocking doctors at all....there's many doctors and nurses that saved my life and it's pretty unlikely I'll have too many bad things to say about them. For example...(backstory: I was hospitalized for 2 months, drug induced coma for 5 weeks, woke up to 3 chest tubes, feeding tube and a trache) anyway..the doctor that was taking care of me when I woke up had a meeting with my parents. (I was 24 at the time, but they didn't know what damage I had from the pneumonia, etc.) I was invited to the meeting, but I didn't go. He was an AWESOME doctor, but he told my parents he thought I was depressed and would like to put me on depression medication.

My dad actually laughed at him...I'm not a happy hyper person to begin with and my parents knew that. The doctor was a happy hyper person. He apparently thought that since I woke up alive, the tubes, not being able to speak, sit up, stand, walk, EAT or do anything except lay in a bed was going to make me happy.

Other than friends and family visiting, the first time I was actually happy was when I went on my very first ride in a wheelchair, I saw a therapy dog. It was a kuvasz. Dogs are my favorite.
I don't think I would be happy to wake up like that either. I would be scared to death. Happy to be alive but scard to what happened while I was asleep and what if I hadn't wakened is what would have been on my mind. Sorry to hear you wnet thru such an ordeal but glad your here today.

My brother recently had a heart bypass done. Normally they are routine but his wasn't. He had heart surgery when he was 5 which ws 45 years ago and the doctor is dead now and there where no way to find out what they did so the doc was going in blind. Well, he started off with hemmorraging and when that got under control they found one of his lungs was fused to the back of his heart and the other lung was fused to the back of his ribcage. They had to fix that and also found he had no paricardium. They did the bypass and took him back off he bypass machine and shocked his heart to make it start back up. They didn't take the tube out till the next day that was breathing for him and when they did his tongue swelled up and he developed an infection that settled in his lower jaw. They had to re-intibate him and was afraid the tube wouldn't fit down his throat again because of the swelling and if they did a treah the infection would go to his heart and chest where they did all the extensive work. Well the tube worked and they put him in a coma for 6 more days till his infection was less. Not gone but less. They said if they took out the tube and he swelled up again they would have to put it back.
Thank goodness they didn't but he had developed what was called icu sycosis. He was like he was halucinating constantly. He was seeing things and he told us that one doctor in particular killed him and to watch him and not let him kill him and that everybody was trying to kill him. He was terrified all the time. He was in ICU for 11 days total. WE researched what he had and it said once the patient is back in their familiar surroundings they would come out of it. But they wouldn't let him go because he was out of control for most of his stay. Either his wife or I had to stay with him or the nurses couldn't do what they had to do. He actualy punched a nurse one night and he got out of bed somehow and landed in the floor another night and on another night he pulled out the pic line. They finally let his wife stay all night as well as all day. I stay with him as much as I could but I was taking care of their kids and couldn't stay all night. If something happened his wife was the one to say yes or no on his treatment so she had to stay. It took both of us to figure out what he was trying to say for a long time becaue he had a hard time talking because of the infection in his mouth.

On day 12 they moved him to a room on the heart floor and day 13 he came home. He is now back to himself and doing normal things again. When he came home he was using a walker and on oxygen. He couldn't even get to the bathroom for about 5 days in time. But with the help of his family and his determination to get well he is doing great now. No walker, no oxygen and he's getting around and driving and doing good.

His wife got copies of his record and there was nothing about him falling out of bed or pulling the pic line out and other things they didn't report. He is suppose to still have another surgery to put in a line to restore circulation to his legs but after his near death he refuses to let anybody do surgery again.

So I don't blame anybody for not wanting to stay in a hospital. He was suppose to be there for a max of 5 days and walk out as he walked in. He has a disabled daughter and he is depended on to help with her care. He had to get out of there and get well so he could. The doc wanted him to go to a rehab facility becaue he didn't think his wife could care for him at home. After she had been there the entire time he was there and making sure nobody else messed up. She kept up with everything they gave him and made sure it was what he was suppose to have and the doc didn't think she could handle it. He obviously didn't know her at all. He spept in the recliner in the living room till he was able to get in and out of the bed and she slept right there next to him on the couch. What little sleep she got that is with having to keep an ear open to listen for anything that might go wrong or him trying to get up on his own. She's a trooper and I have a whole new respect for her now. I knew she was good for him but she went beyond and above what alot of spouses would do. And still take care of her kids and help me out with them as much as she could while she was at the hospital. They deserve a nice long vacation together and I wish I could send them to a nice place to spend some quality time together. They deserve it.

Although they didn't have chicks to take care of they do have a disabled child that is 21 years old but it's like taking care of a 2 year old. All their kids are of age but they have 2 that depend on them. And the oldest helps them out and she works 2 jobs too.
I would have left as well. There is a high risk of picking up a secondary infection when you stay in a hospital.
I actually worry about people who don't care about their animals. But, I would have stayed just in case, especially if I could find someone else to care for the chicks for one day. I've heard of people being fine and then suddenly something new happens. I do think that it's mostly the hospital trying to cover their butt in case something happens to you later that was a result of their negligence.

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