taming a skittish chicken

Yeah, I just double checked our hatchery's website and not only does it say "extremely docile" about the Easter Eggers, it also says "active and friendly." So far all the other breeds we got (Buff Orpington, Speckled Sussex, Partridge Rock, Cuckoo Maran) are living up to the hatchery's description, but not this one...
I have Orpington and had Speckled Sussex ....My two favourite breeds along with Brahma....
Huh, the hatchery we ordered from says on their website that Easter Eggers are "extremely docile." That was a big part of why we chose this breed. Here are a couple of photos from two weeks ago. Now she is bigger, her tail is longer, her face is more black than white, she has more neck feathers that are yellow and black, and her comb is bigger and redder. And, yes, we do suspect that she may be a rooster... As to why they're not living in the coop and run full-time yet, it's because my husband is ill and work on renovating the coop is moving slowly (it's a old coop that doesn't currently provide good protection against night-time predators).View attachment 1165957 View attachment 1165958
Easter Eggers are docile, meaning they aren't typically aggressive towards flock mates and don't mind a bit of crowding. As far as how they are with people, that is determined by the individual birds and your interactions with them. Just spending time in their space without trying to touch them helps build up their trust.
And the one pictured is definitely a cockerel.
I have one 4 month old silkie chick who hates being held or pet. The others her age make 'angry penguin noises' but still let me pet and cuddle them and also they hop on my lap, even the young male who has become a bit shier around me with age likes cuddles every now and then... But there is one young hen that wants NOTHING to do with me.

She makes loud angry noises, flaps and squirms when I handle her. She does take treats from me and occasionally comes up to peck at me in curiosity and sits down to preen near me, but doesn't like being petted, held or even wants to hop up onto my lap. It is just the way she is and I am fine with just hanging out with her laying next to me while I am buried in the other siblings that DO want to smother me! :lau

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