Guide Tags / Mentions - Email Alerts


🐓🦆For the Birds!🦆🐓
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Feb 9, 2015
West Virginia
My Coop
My Coop
Since we can’t get a special list of “Mentions You’ve Received” like the list of “Likes You’ve Received”, or an email alert specifically just for Mentions, I’d like to know how others go about finding where they’ve been mentioned/tagged. I seem to miss a lot of them just using the drop down of alerts. I’m sure it’s just my oversight, but since there are so many different ways of doing things around here (different paths, menus, etc to achieve the same result) I thought I’d see if someone has a way that I haven’t discovered.
Thanks in advance!
It should be one of the tools in your browser.
I'm using an Android phone and Chrome. There are three vertical dots in the upper right corner of my screen. If I clivc that symbol I can select find in page from a drop down menu.
Oh ok...I don't have that.
I thought you meant something here on BYC but you are meaning a search function in your actual browser.

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