Swollen toes guinea


Sep 12, 2023
Need help on my guinea. I have picks. I have been trying to get rid of the swelling for 3 weeks now. Now she has a second toe swollen. She severed her toe nail. I doctored and soaked in Epson. I think she may have internal infection. I can't get an antibiotic without a vet call. Sorry but not paying a vet bill for her. Is there a natural antibiotic like basil, oregano and olive oil or dandelion root I can give her or the flock? I am just worried she does well with it even when she has a huge bandage on it. Please help this has been going on for a month now. She looks like maybe a little frost bite as well anyway it is black on her leg.


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Need help on my guinea. I have picks. I have been trying to get rid of the swelling for 3 weeks now. Now she has a second toe swollen. She severed her toe nail. I doctored and soaked in Epson. I think she may have internal infection. I can't get an antibiotic without a vet call. Sorry but not paying a vet bill for her. Is there a natural antibiotic like basil, oregano and olive oil or dandelion root I can give her or the flock? I am just worried she does well with it even when she has a huge bandage on it. Please help this has been going on for a month now. She looks like maybe a little frost bite as well anyway it is black on her leg.
I had a guinea hen that had a bad bumble foot for years. She accidentally ripped a toenail off of that foot. Getting the infection exposed to her blood caused the bumble foot to start healing immediately. Within several months there was no sign of the bumble foot.

If it was my bird, I would clip a toenail into the quick and get it bleeding. Not a recognized treatment and not guaranteed to work but it might give you surprising results.
I will look at ot tonight. She looks like on the other toe she may have a bumble or just a sore. I will have to reopen the toe nail sore she doesn't have a bumble on that one. On a good not my guinea are starting to lay eggs. It looks like one layer an egg while perching. Excuse the poop floor I need to clean this weekend.
Have another question. The guinea are laying eggs or at least one. I made the mistake of taking the first two eggs up. Then I saw another egg the next day. So I put the other two eggs back for them. I read an article not to remove them or they will find another place to lay them. Then I went back and the 3rd egg was gone. So yesterday she layed another and there was three again but today there is only two. Are they hiding them or do we have a preditor? Will they bury them under the hay and then tamp the hay back down to make everything look normal? It is a mystery. We may have a nest of hundreds under the hay. When I'm walking through the pen area I hear crunching but I dig under and it is just hay and dirt? Will they dig a hole deep enough and thwn cover with dirt? We have checked all the corners and it is just big rocks to keep preditors out. What do you think being you have had guinea before? Could it be the same egg that keeps appearing and disappearing?
Have another question. The guinea are laying eggs or at least one. I made the mistake of taking the first two eggs up. Then I saw another egg the next day. So I put the other two eggs back for them. I read an article not to remove them or they will find another place to lay them. Then I went back and the 3rd egg was gone. So yesterday she layed another and there was three again but today there is only two. Are they hiding them or do we have a preditor? Will they bury them under the hay and then tamp the hay back down to make everything look normal? It is a mystery. We may have a nest of hundreds under the hay. When I'm walking through the pen area I hear crunching but I dig under and it is just hay and dirt? Will they dig a hole deep enough and thwn cover with dirt? We have checked all the corners and it is just big rocks to keep preditors out. What do you think being you have had guinea before? Could it be the same egg that keeps appearing and disappearing?
It's okay to take guinea eggs if you leave fake eggs in their place.

Some hens will scrape grass, leaves, etc. over their nests. Some have temporarily buried their eggs.

You can use a pencil or marker to write an identification on the eggs if you want to leave the to determine whether the missing egg is coming back.

Predators that can be stealing the eggs are dogs, skunks, raccoons or snakes.
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It's okay to take guinea eggs if you leave fake eggs in their place.

Some hens will scrape grass, leaves, etc. over their nests. Some have temporarily buried their eggs.

You can use a pencil or marker to write an identification on the eggs if you want to leave the to determine whether the missing egg is coming back.

Predators than can be stealing the eggs are dogs, skunks, raccoons or snakes.
Thank you well I marked the two that I put back in but didn't even think about the new egg. Duh! Sometimes where my head is.
Thank you well I marked the two that I put back in but didn't even think about the new egg. Duh! Sometimes where my head is.
Hey I have another question. My guinea are starting to lay eggs. We have been getting a few quarter size eggs. What is causing that is it because they ate new layers?
It can be due to first time layers. The one on the left indicates a calcium deficiency. Are you providing them with oyster shell.
Only in the chicken coop. I will put some in the guinea coop tomorrow. Yeah I notice another egg larger but very pale. I won't be able to check till tomorrow.

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