Swollen foot


Apr 8, 2023
Hi, I noticed this morning that my duck is limping on the left leg. It is abit swollen on top of the middle toe area. What could it be and should I go to the vet.

If the picture of the bottom is the same foot then I don't see bumble foot. It may be an injury could she have gotten her foot caught under something? Are you where bees are still out? maybe a bite from something? You could try soaking her foot in some Nice warm Epsom salt water and see if that helps with swelling a lot of time it will.
Of course, taking her/him to the vet is always and option.
Most of the time if an injury rest soaking in Epsom Salt water can help Just don't let her drink the ES water it is also a laxative.
wonderful because heat can mean an infection. I did have two ducks that had swollen toes that were infected on the inside. It wasn’t Bumblefoot. they were young, and of the same breed. I believe it was something that came along with them from the hatchery.. I took them to the vet. He suggested surgery which I couldn’t afford, but then he gave me antibiotics for them, and that worked great but in your case, it doesn’t sound like any infection if there’s no heat so, yeah just follow Miss Lydia‘s advice. Keep us posted.
Not long ago I opened the door to the coop and saw my Indian Runner collapsed on the floor in front of the metal crate she likes to sleep inside of, It's been in the coop a couple of years and this is the first time anyone got their foot caught but she did thankfully she got lose before I got to her and she did limp around for part of the day. So if your duck did get her toes caught under something it should begin to look better in a few days I would think If it doesn't and you notice anything else happening post back with pictures or take it to the vet.

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