Swans needed for Canadian geese control.


Aug 25, 2021
I live on a small lake that is naturally ground-fed by the adjacent creek tributaries. Over the past few years, I have experienced an ever-increasing problem associated with Canadian geese taking up residence here. Subsequently, it has taken a concentrated effort to keep them off my property. I understand that owning a pair of swans would be a natural way to keep the geese at bay and from choosing this as their habitat. I have no need to breed the swans only to keep them happy enough so they would desire to make this their permanent home. After checking pricing on the species I know I wouldn't be in a financial position to pay big bucks for these animals but hopefully find someone who needs to possibly see to it that they are given a good home. I haven't done a great deal of research on this idea, so if I'm way off base in my thinking that I could pull this off then I suppose I will find that out soon enough. Thank you in advance for any information, leads, or ideas anyone of you might be able to provide in this endeavor!
You already found out that tho$e $wans are BIG BUCK$. As an added note,,,, you would need to care for them as well. It is not like,,,, release some,, and they will stay. Any one with some to rehome,,,,,, know their value in $$$ as well. :old

My suggestion,, is to control the Geese. I know they are protected,,, even though they are not in any short supply. If you have a dog,,,, there is nothing that says, you cant have him run around on your property. The geese would of course seek refuge in the water pond. They may get the message that this is not the ideal place to hang around.
I do LUV :love the Canadian Geese. There are a few flocks that hang around about 1/2 mile from my home. Large factory/plant retention storm ponds. Only dislike would be the green cigars they leave behind. Not an issue for me,,,,, since I don't run around barefoot there.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and:welcome
The geese have been in my lake for several years now. The problem is ever increasing so I am very much aware that their numbers are continually increasing each year. Yes, I have a dog who is willing to help but these geese are smart and know they can move to where they are out of reach from him. These geese are making noise all night long and early morning, leaving their droppings everywhere. I'm at my wit's end in knowing how to deal with them! That is why I am hoping getting a pair of swans will be the solution?
Yeah sorry, I work for a goose management company and right now I'm going daily to a site with a swan, a Muscovy, African geese, and some other ducks. Luckily I am successfully teaching them that they are not my targets, but they don't seem to mind the Canada geese at all. And you're right - Canada geese are very smart, which is why I have this very interesting full time job. Depending on your local rules, you can try noisemakers, fake coyotes (move them frequently), or laser pointers (do NOT point up - major FAA fine!). But honestly we have the best success with a unpredictable schedule of border collie visits. Good luck.
I've done goose control professionally for 20 years and swans don't deter geese. They can also be aggressive and dangerous to humans. Check with your state natural resources department for management options. Or just do a search online, there's a ton of information out there. Be advised, the best approach is one that is multi-pronged -- one deterrent alone usually won't work.

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