Suspected Canker, treating with Copper Sulfate, curious about withdrawal?


Jul 10, 2020
Hi All,

I have two chickens (a Roo and a Hen), who likely have Canker (mouth and esophogus lesions, Rooster has one eye closed for the past two days). The Rooster has ALWAYS sneezed on the reg since we got him last spring, and yesterday I noticed his right mouth corner had some build up. With my husband's help, we took a look in his mouth and he has some serious lesions. Both of us took a look at Dr. Internet today, and Canker is looking like the most likely culprit.

We have put acidified copper sulfate solution in for the flock this morning - we know at least one hen has whatever the roo has. The ratio we used was from the Chicken Health Handbook.

My question is... is there an egg withdrawal period for this?

Thanks in advance.
If I had canker in my chicken, I would use metronidazole (Aqua Zole) 250 mg daily given orally for 5-7 days. Disinfect all waterers and feeders with 10% bleach water, and separate the 2 birds. I don’t know of any egg withdrawal time with acidified copper sulfate, but I would probably wait a month after treatment for most drugs with unknown withdrawal times. Most drugs used in chickens are not approved for poultry, so using caution can help.
If I had canker in my chicken, I would use metronidazole (Aqua Zole) 250 mg daily given orally for 5-7 days. Disinfect all waterers and feeders with 10% bleach water, and separate the 2 birds. I don’t know of any egg withdrawal time with acidified copper sulfate, but I would probably wait a month after treatment for most drugs with unknown withdrawal times. Most drugs used in chickens are not approved for poultry, so using caution can help.
Thank you @Eggcessive , I can’t get my hands on metronidazole, as I need a prescription. Copper sulfate seems to be another recommended route.
Aqua Zole is available for fish online here:

Yes, some use acidified copper sulfate. Hopefully it helps. It is commonly used as a preventative, in the water 3 days a month at 1/4 tsp per gallon of water.
I have read for treatment you can do this dose for 7-10 days. We are going to try for 7 and see how it goes. I will look into Aqua Zole for the future/if this doesn't work.

Anyone have any info on egg withdrawal?
Im dealing with canker atm in my flock (confirmed by vet in more than one bird with fecal samples) and my understanding from my vet is copper sulphate will control and prevent outbreak but wont be effective in a bird already sick with it.
You need to get the antibiotic metronidazole or another nidazole type AB to kill it in a bird with symptoms. And because that antibiotic can be hard on some birds, get a vet with bird experience to have a look at a fecal sample when at the vet (it has to be fresh poop only a few minutes old as the parasite dies within minutes outside the bird, so the bird has to go to the vet and poop at the vet) to ensure you actually have canker.
Mycoplasma can also cause blockages in their respiratory tract that look similar to canker.
Im dealing with canker atm in my flock (confirmed by vet in more than one bird with fecal samples) and my understanding from my vet is copper sulphate will control and prevent outbreak but wont be effective in a bird already sick with it.
You need to get the antibiotic metronidazole or another nidazole type AB to kill it in a bird with symptoms. And because that antibiotic can be hard on some birds, get a vet with bird experience to have a look at a fecal sample when at the vet (it has to be fresh poop only a few minutes old as the parasite dies within minutes outside the bird, so the bird has to go to the vet and poop at the vet) to ensure you actually have canker.
Mycoplasma can also cause blockages in their respiratory tract that look similar to canker.
Thanks for the response, we ended up culling bc the infection was so far gone, and the vet said the flock likely had another illness.

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