super flow nipple vs. GQF cup vs. rabbit waterer


13 Years
May 1, 2009
Ks (Manhattan area)
I know the rabbit bottles tend to drip but is the extra cost for another water system worth it? which do you pros use and what are the advantages of one over the other? It seems to me like the cup would be able to handle more birds each but the nipples seem to be getting really popular. Can both be adapted to a bucket feed with PVC pipe or hose? Do you need the presure reduction valve when using a bucket with the cups?
im a waterbottle kinda farmer... my waterbottles dont drip much only right after i fill them and only for a second or two... however the nipples dont drip.. some guys like them the most but to me. i fill a 5 gal bucket of fresh water and walk it down to the aviaries and fill the bottles one by one. easy and they almost always still have some water left by morning. (feed and water 2ce a day).. plus i got them all for free from my g/f g-mom who used to breed rabbits.. so lucky me.
all the birds learn to drink from them in a day (monkey see monkey do) and i like that they lift their heads to let the wqater drip down their throat rather than dipping their beaks to their feet to drink...

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