Summer Shenanigans - VOTE NOW

What project should I start this summer?

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That would be interesting & certainly makes sense intuitively, but it’s going to be relatively cool in the area I’m staying - so I’m not sure I could provide a proper environment to test that. Still, I’ll make note of the idea. :thumbsup

Ah, that's understandable. This study would require quite warm temperatures to be done correctly, so you're right. At least you won't be having unbearable heat all summer!
Very interesting thread and curious to see what you come up with.
I'd be super interested in seeing a rooster study also. Like some that are completely raised hands off and others raised with cuddles and hugs to see the difference in temperament/behavior outcome... 🙂

Marans in any of your decided projects would be a super bonus...👍
I think you should do a rooster study. See if you can hatch one under a broody so that it will receive proper training from the mama. Hatch other chicks with it and make sure you have another coop to put him and the other chicks in once Mama Hen abandons them. I'd like to know how it would go with a small hatch of five eggs or something like that, since I've heard that's a more natural number for them.

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