

Aug 15, 2021
Ontario, Canada
I'm thinking about getting ducks this spring and I want some suggestions on breeds and some things I need to know about their nutrition etc. I live in Canada so I need a duck that is good in the winter. I also don't have a pond. I do have a small kitty pool, so I need a duck breed that doesn't Need To be in water 24/7. Thanks to everyone who replies!
all breeds can be just as friendly if raised right so breed doesn’t matter for that, i have pekins who are suppose to be “cold hardy” and they hate the cold lol so i’m not sure which breed would be good in it
I have 3 breeds Muscovy, Runners and Buffs Of those 3 my Muscovy are my only non water hogs. They usually get in once a day. My Runners and Buffs Love the water. I have a large kiddy pool and a 50 gallon water trough from TSC ,my 17 waterfowl are very happy with their setup. We have quite a few from Canada on here so maybe going to your country thread would help. Many have ducks.

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