Sudden death in 1 week old guinea fowl chicks


8 Years
Jul 25, 2011
On tuesday, I received 30 newborn guinea fowl. All was going well until yesterday morning. I nocited two chicks seemed like they had forgotten how to use their legs and thir wings were hanging loosely at their sides. When I picked them up, they didn't struggle or fight, they just lay floppy in my hand. When I set them down, and tried to get them to stand, they would kind of half stand, and wobble to the point where they fell over. They also fell over when any attempt to walk was made. When they fell over, they couldnt get themselves up again, unless I helped them. They would just flail around, and ten give up and lie still. I put the two chicks in a separate, indoor box underneath a heat lamp. They slept, but in awkward positions, their necks bent all the way back. While they slept, they would breath heavily. Eventually, they started gasping for breath, opening their beaks and jerking their heads every 5 seconds or so. Then after they stopped gasping, they just layed there for a while, until eventually their eyes opened and their muscles froze and they were dead. This happened to one more and hour or so after the first two died, and then one more this morning with a second one going through the whole process just now. He seems to be holding out better than the others, trying to get up and walk around but I don't know how long he'll last. They don't show any symptoms before they start getting wobbly legged. 4 have already died, and a 5th is on the way, does anyone know what's causing this? Is there any way to stop it? Please help!
Are they on shavings? They could be ingesting the shavings and getting impacted crops and or clogged up lower down. If they are on shavings, change over to coarse straw, towels, paper towels, rubberized shelf liner etc that they cannot ingest ASAP and see if the losses stop. I'd add poultry electrolytes or clear pedialyte to their drinking water and make sure everyone is drinking plenty and eating their starter feed as normal.

If the bedding isn't a possible cause, do any of the keets have loose stools? What kind of feed are you feeding them and what, if any treats have they had? What's their brooder temp, and can they get away from the heat if they get too hot?

Sorry I'm not much help, but I need more info about brooder conditions and feed etc to try and narrow it down for you
If the bedding isn't a possible cause, do any of the keets have loose stools? What kind of feed are you feeding them and what, if any treats have they had? What's their brooder temp, and can they get away from the heat if they get too hot?

X2... I was thinking food or heat issues....

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