Sudden Balance Issues/Cannot Stand in Hen


Free Ranging
9 Years
Apr 24, 2015
Hello all, I hope maybe my thread will be descriptive enough to possibly point in the right direction of what may be happening. We have a little hen who is about to be 7 years old, bantam in size. No longer lays eggs for us but just a sweet and friendly pet.

I noticed a few days ago she seemed to have some trouble walking and I thought maybe she had a stroke or something, and as of yesterday she is immobile for the most part. She is not paralyzed and has movement in her legs, but she cannot stand herself up on them. She lays on her side and tries to kick her feet and flap her wings to move. She cannot stand on her own and sort of squats when you hold her up and try to let her put weight. When you let her go, she has extreme balance and coordination difficulties - she tips over forward or falls sideways and flaps her wings to try and right herself to sitting up as she can. I don't see a lot of rapid movement of head/eyes or anything of that sort. She's in good spirits, helping her drink and eat and she's very alert. I put her in the soil and she wants to scratch but her legs just won't go because she cannot stand on them let alone scratch. Behavior is all normal, comb color good, just a sudden issue with balance that makes me question if it may be neurological.

Background of similar interest. In her past we have had two similar instances with not being able to stand but never with the balance issue. She was traumatized as a youngster post-dog attack even though she was unaffected, she saw it happen (separate pen) and for about a year we couldn't get her to stand up. We were recommended back then to give her vitamin B and after as mentioned about a year of care, one day we walked out to see her acting totally normal. But she never had the balance problem. We had a spell of this last year that was a temporary lack of mobility but she seemed partially paralyzed in her legs then and no balance issues. This was only a few days. Her appetite was very low then and we offered her other foods which perked her up and she went back to normal. We had no prior signs of this other than the initial trouble walking followed by balance issues a few days later.

To sum it up - nearly 7 year old hen, behaving all normal but with sudden loss of ability to stand or balance. Past background of mobility issues but none concerning ability to balance self.

Any input is greatly appreciated and please let me know if I can contribute any other information, thank you kindly.
Is there a chance the others have pecked her? I had a beautiful little wayndotte who was pecked in the head over night and she ended up with awful neurological issues. I had to put her down sadly ( my husband did) because she was suffering so. She couldn't walk, couldn't eat and her neck was bent badly from what happened. Sometimes the other birds sense if one is older or smaller or hurt and they attack the weak one. Do you think this might have happened to her? Another thought could be her feet. Have you checked them for sores or swelling? How is her weight? I have a 9 year old barred rock who in the morning when she comes out limps a bit but after she gets going she's ok. I would check her legs an feet. If she is a bit heavy this might be a reason as well. I hope this helps a bit. You can also try some vitamin supplements or nutri drench to see if perhaps she needs some added. A defiency can show up in real strange ways in chickens. They can get wry neck, or not be able to walk and the supplements can help. Hope she gets well.
She's on 17 layer with scratch and sunflower seeds added, sorry for not updating that. I have ordered some nutri-drench that will come in as soon as possible since stores around here do not have any unfortunately. Her legs and feet are in good shape, no injuries or swelling. She hasn't been pecked on by others and no visible injuries - poo looks good nothing off with it. She's doing well and has a good appetite and still in good spirits but hoping some vitamins will boost her.
Hello all, I hope maybe my thread will be descriptive enough to possibly point in the right direction of what may be happening. We have a little hen who is about to be 7 years old, bantam in size. No longer lays eggs for us but just a sweet and friendly pet.

I noticed a few days ago she seemed to have some trouble walking and I thought maybe she had a stroke or something, and as of yesterday she is immobile for the most part. She is not paralyzed and has movement in her legs, but she cannot stand herself up on them. She lays on her side and tries to kick her feet and flap her wings to move. She cannot stand on her own and sort of squats when you hold her up and try to let her put weight. When you let her go, she has extreme balance and coordination difficulties - she tips over forward or falls sideways and flaps her wings to try and right herself to sitting up as she can. I don't see a lot of rapid movement of head/eyes or anything of that sort. She's in good spirits, helping her drink and eat and she's very alert. I put her in the soil and she wants to scratch but her legs just won't go because she cannot stand on them let alone scratch. Behavior is all normal, comb color good, just a sudden issue with balance that makes me question if it may be neurological.

Background of similar interest. In her past we have had two similar instances with not being able to stand but never with the balance issue. She was traumatized as a youngster post-dog attack even though she was unaffected, she saw it happen (separate pen) and for about a year we couldn't get her to stand up. We were recommended back then to give her vitamin B and after as mentioned about a year of care, one day we walked out to see her acting totally normal. But she never had the balance problem. We had a spell of this last year that was a temporary lack of mobility but she seemed partially paralyzed in her legs then and no balance issues. This was only a few days. Her appetite was very low then and we offered her other foods which perked her up and she went back to normal. We had no prior signs of this other than the initial trouble walking followed by balance issues a few days later.

To sum it up - nearly 7 year old hen, behaving all normal but with sudden loss of ability to stand or balance. Past background of mobility issues but none concerning ability to balance self.

Any input is greatly appreciated and please let me know if I can contribute any other information, thank you kindly.
from her age and background it could be marek's, but I'm not an expert. have you tried the chicken chair?
Hello all, I hope maybe my thread will be descriptive enough to possibly point in the right direction of what may be happening. We have a little hen who is about to be 7 years old, bantam in size. No longer lays eggs for us but just a sweet and friendly pet.

I noticed a few days ago she seemed to have some trouble walking and I thought maybe she had a stroke or something, and as of yesterday she is immobile for the most part. She is not paralyzed and has movement in her legs, but she cannot stand herself up on them. She lays on her side and tries to kick her feet and flap her wings to move. She cannot stand on her own and sort of squats when you hold her up and try to let her put weight. When you let her go, she has extreme balance and coordination difficulties - she tips over forward or falls sideways and flaps her wings to try and right herself to sitting up as she can. I don't see a lot of rapid movement of head/eyes or anything of that sort. She's in good spirits, helping her drink and eat and she's very alert. I put her in the soil and she wants to scratch but her legs just won't go because she cannot stand on them let alone scratch. Behavior is all normal, comb color good, just a sudden issue with balance that makes me question if it may be neurological.

Background of similar interest. In her past we have had two similar instances with not being able to stand but never with the balance issue. She was traumatized as a youngster post-dog attack even though she was unaffected, she saw it happen (separate pen) and for about a year we couldn't get her to stand up. We were recommended back then to give her vitamin B and after as mentioned about a year of care, one day we walked out to see her acting totally normal. But she never had the balance problem. We had a spell of this last year that was a temporary lack of mobility but she seemed partially paralyzed in her legs then and no balance issues. This was only a few days. Her appetite was very low then and we offered her other foods which perked her up and she went back to normal. We had no prior signs of this other than the initial trouble walking followed by balance issues a few days later.

To sum it up - nearly 7 year old hen, behaving all normal but with sudden loss of ability to stand or balance. Past background of mobility issues but none concerning ability to balance self.

Any input is greatly appreciated and please let me know if I can contribute any other information, thank you kindly.
Hello all, I hope maybe my thread will be descriptive enough to possibly point in the right direction of what may be happening. We have a little hen who is about to be 7 years old, bantam in size. No longer lays eggs for us but just a sweet and friendly pet.

I noticed a few days ago she seemed to have some trouble walking and I thought maybe she had a stroke or something, and as of yesterday she is immobile for the most part. She is not paralyzed and has movement in her legs, but she cannot stand herself up on them. She lays on her side and tries to kick her feet and flap her wings to move. She cannot stand on her own and sort of squats when you hold her up and try to let her put weight. When you let her go, she has extreme balance and coordination difficulties - she tips over forward or falls sideways and flaps her wings to try and right herself to sitting up as she can. I don't see a lot of rapid movement of head/eyes or anything of that sort. She's in good spirits, helping her drink and eat and she's very alert. I put her in the soil and she wants to scratch but her legs just won't go because she cannot stand on them let alone scratch. Behavior is all normal, comb color good, just a sudden issue with balance that makes me question if it may be neurological.

Background of similar interest. In her past we have had two similar instances with not being able to stand but never with the balance issue. She was traumatized as a youngster post-dog attack even though she was unaffected, she saw it happen (separate pen) and for about a year we couldn't get her to stand up. We were recommended back then to give her vitamin B and after as mentioned about a year of care, one day we walked out to see her acting totally normal. But she never had the balance problem. We had a spell of this last year that was a temporary lack of mobility but she seemed partially paralyzed in her legs then and no balance issues. This was only a few days. Her appetite was very low then and we offered her other foods which perked her up and she went back to normal. We had no prior signs of this other than the initial trouble walking followed by balance issues a few days later.

To sum it up - nearly 7 year old hen, behaving all normal but with sudden loss of ability to stand or balance. Past background of mobility issues but none concerning ability to balance self.

Any input is greatly appreciated and please let me know if I can contribute any other information, thank you kindly.
Have you been able to figure out how to help your chicken? My chicken is have similar issues. I am heartbroken and don't know what to do.
I have not tried the chair. Today she is still doing well healthy alert other than not being able to stand and balance issues. We ordered her vitamins on the 16th but seems to be lost in another state as of yesterday had label scan issues. I will have to go tomorrow or saturday over to the next town will look for some then. She is eating well drinking well otherwise.
@MolMas not as of yet I must apologize. She is doing well and eating and drinking otherwise which is positive, though she needs help (I have to check on her very frequently and help her by offering her the water dish and food dish.)
If you have a Walmart nearby, get some Equate human B complex or super B complex tablets. Give 1/4 tablet or a little more (hard to cut them very small) and give it orally or crush into a small bit of food daily. Those have riboflavin and all other B vitamins plus some bonus C. It may not be apparent exactly what is causing her problem with balance or walking.

I had a Mareks vaccinated 3 year old hen who for about 5 weeks, lost her balance and could not get up to walk, although she was not paralyzed. She fully recovered. She could have a reproductive infection or something pressing on her sciatic nerves, or even an inner ear problem. Sometimes after they die, we can find out why with a necropsy through the state vet lab. You could try a sling chair. My hen would not tolerate one, and would try to kill herself to escape, but some chickens do tolerate them for periods of time.

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