Stupid waterer keeps leaking all over the floor of my coop!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 31, 2011
So I am on my 2nd waterer. The first one was the cheap, plastic red and one from TSC. Every couple of days it would spill it's entire contents all over the floor of the chicken coop. So I went back to TSC this weekend and got the more expensive metal waterer. It leaked all over the floor of the coop last night and made a huge mess! I am so frustrated! I have tried hanging the waterers, I have tried setting them on the floor of the coop, and I have tried setting them on bricks on the floor of the coop (for more stability and level-ness). What am I doing wrong?
Figuring out wateres is the WORST. I saw were someone made a pan with wire over the top and put the waterer on that. It was for ducks but it helps with chicks too. I use nipples but they still leak especially with chicks so I have a pan under the waterer to catch as much as possible. That water gets really nasty though.... just a warning. Keeps the bedding dry and cleaner. I don't like regular waterers, they get so nasty. I only use them with new chicks and they quickly get converted over to nipples.
Hi! We are new owners of backyard chickens and decided to use a 5-gallon bucket with 3 push-type nipples for our run. The nipples are cheap but the shipping is atrocious online! We went to Poultry Specialties, Inc. and bought 6 for $12. We drilled holes, pushed the gaskets in and then the nipples. So far, not a leak and no need to refill the bucket! The nipples could be used on smaller buckets, too. Our local Tractor Supply Co. has decided to try to carry them in the future. They can be a little difficult to find.
Why not something like this..

There are other designs around like this, you just need to do some searching.
Also, the shape of your bowl or dish makes all the difference. If you have a top heavy (wide top) one, of course it's going to get tipped over etc. Try to find one that has all sides the same.
thos dog water bowls that you see everywhere, the ones that take a large bottle are great. But you really need to put some chook wire over the top of it as this will help to keep it clean. Try making your own using this concept, it's not hard. Just use some imagination. Once you have an idea, find the materials you need to make it.
Good luck and I hope this was helpful in one way or another:)
Happy chook'n
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Thanks for the ideas! I really like the design of the one TTeddy posted. Now it will just be a question of figuring out how make one or locate one in the US.
I know level-ness is the problem. I just can't seem to get it level! And I feel like I need one inside the coop because we do keep the chickens in there when we are gone.
Thanks for the ideas! I really like the design of the one TTeddy posted. Now it will just be a question of figuring out how make one or locate one in the US.
Hey there. Have you had any luck? How's everything going for you now?

I had to take a level out and level the platform. Or after the water fills, look for any high spots of water-those areas need to come up a bit.

Deb, with the push in nipples, mine run out. Seems my buckets are not perfectly vertical, they are a hair smaller at the bottom. What do I do?
I've tried everything at this point. I just tried the nipples but they just don't dose enough water. My birds start to shut down and not eat after a day or so and go crazy when I add a bowl of water. They are using the nipple but only get one drop at a time which is not enough for a full grown chicken.

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