
Jun 28, 2021
Backstory - we have a flock of neighborhood guineas (4) that roam between 3 lots. We feed and water them and they show up every morning. 1 has been missing for weeks. We assumed it was a predator. Fast forward to today and we found a crying keet in our lot, on her/his own trying to get in with my 6 week old chicks in their outdoor coop. We have older hens and 1 rooster that didn’t pay much attention to it. I caught her/him and placed her in the coop with my chicks. What do I do? It looks to be about 4-5 weeks old and fully feathered. No ear lobes or anything yet. Do I keep it with my chicks? I see no other sign of mother Guinea (I’ve heard they’re awful mothers) or any other keets. It was crying for a very long time with no response. What to do?
Guinea do best in a flock of at least 6-10. You could buy additional keets and raise your own flock or you can grow it out and see if the feral group will adopt it. I'd keep it with your chicks for now. Mom might show up in a few days. Some mom's are excellent mothers. Keeping tract of a dozen or more keets is more than a full time job for one.

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