Straw bedding attacked by rodents-can I use it?


In the Brooder
Dec 10, 2023
Hello!First of all-sorry for my bad English.I am from Bulgaria.I am keeping domestic ducks like ornamental pets for more than 30-35years.
But now I have problem with my bedding material(litter).I always use wheat straw,because it keeps warm to the ducks.And also because I had a problem before years with small ducklings that had eaten wood shavings used for bedding and had diarhea because of it.I keep the wheat straw in other buliding in other yard.I buy and store the straw in small packs(aproximately size of the packs is 1meter x 0,5meter x 0,5meter).I have bought last year 10 packs that will be enough for this winter.
At the summer and autumn I do not use any bedding but now comes winter here,the weather is cold and I had found that the room where I keep the straw is attacked by the mouses.They were living in this straw packs for maybe 1-2months before I notice them.Now I have put more than 10 traps and catched most of them but it is too late.
The rodents were devastated the strow,the half of it is shredded an I will throw it away to the recycle bin.There are also mouse droppings in it and it is also pissed with urine.:(
The question is-Can I use the remained straw for bedding?I have transferred one of this packs to room in the house where there are not rodents and it stayed at the room for 10days.Are enough these 10days to think that it is clean from any desease or bacterial contamination?
I have read that most common problem associated with rodents is Pasteurella Multocida(Pasteurellosis/Fowl Cholera).But also there will be and other dangerous bacteria or worms that rodents can transmit.I have read that Pasteureslla is relatively fragile bacteria and 3 to 6 days are enough to die outside the host.
So-to use this straw or not to use it-this is the question??Of course I will shake it hard before using it to fall out most of droppings but I am absolutely sure that will not fall out all of them.
P.S.I can not find now from where to buy another straw or pine shavings(because is winter).
There are not rodents in the duck house.
I do not use poisons for killing the rodents so it is sure that can not transfer poison to the bedding.
Weather become very cold for ducks to sleep on the cement floor without bedding.
Thanks for answer!I hope that the post is understendable although language barrier.
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I personally would not use the bedding at all. Mice are disease carrying rodents and could transfer a number of things to your ducks. Could you use something like grass clipping or sand to keep the cold down?
Keep looking and ask everyone you know there to help you find where can you buy some fresh straw ~ or pine shavings
Or use something else like grass clippings as @AidKD mentioned -
Dont give up looking but
If there is absolutely nothing to use anywhere at all then I would use the old stuff if it means they wont freeze to death
I am reading this forum from many years ago and I have seen that in US most of people use wood shavings for bedding for ducks.Here in our country noone uses it.I am afraid of using shavings because of this problem with eating it from young ducklings before many years.Now mine flock contains only old birds(from 5 months to 7years old).Do You think that will be problem with eating shavings now?Because will be more easy to find shavings than fresh straw.I will attach and photos of shavings.The photos is from site of the manifacturer(it is not from mine town,I will use logistic courier to receive them)-so I can not post more good photos with something on photos to use it like benchmark for the phisical size of the shavings.


  • shavings.jpg
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I am reading this forum from many years ago and I have seen that in US most of people use wood shavings for bedding for ducks.Here in our country noone uses it.I am afraid of using shavings because of this problem with eating it from young ducklings before many years.Now mine flock contains only old birds(from 5 months to 7years old).Do You think that will be problem with eating shavings now?Because will be more easy to find shavings than fresh straw.I will attach and photos of shavings.The photos is from site of the manifacturer(it is not from mine town,I will use logistic courier to receive them)-so I can not post more good photos with something on photos to use it like benchmark for the phisical size of the shavings.View attachment 3702927
I don't think you would have an issue with them eating the shavings. Even of they do eat a few it's not gonna hurt them. My chickens will sometimes find little slivers and eat those, but they're fine.
i have many ducks 8 years with no problem from pine shavings that look like the ones in your pictures. only when they were tiny babies they tried to eat shavings, but it never hurt them. definitely get the shavings if you can’t get fresh straw

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