Strange looking wild pigeon-PICS


How about just leaving them alone? Why trap and cage a bird that is used to flying free.

A week ago pest control dropped off a pigeon catching cage at my work place, awesome design, I will copy it when I got time. Its basically a flat wire cage and it has a wire funnel going into the cage at one side and it gets smaller and points to the bottom of the cage at the end so once the bird walks in it cannot get out, its really neat. A live cage, with a little door on top so you can take the birds out without problems, just make a trail of seeds go into the funnel for them to follow and you got yourself a bird.

I work at a butcher shop, we only have 1 resident pair of pigeons but I did catch 2 of their youngsters so far. The pest control just told my boss either he finds the birds a home where they will be grounded for life or they will pick them up and gas them..... so I get to take them home(Yay). In the winter(when the birds don't have babies sitting somewhere) I will build one trap of my own and bring it to our feedstore to catch those rare coloured ones.
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Pigeons are awesome, All three I've ever caught were "racers" that someone lost, and all three I was never able to contact their owners...andno one ever contacted me. I loved them especially my red speckled male (dont know the terminology for the colro, maybe it's grizzled).

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