Strange hen behaviour


Jul 11, 2018
So my new hens have been settling in very well, apart from one. She looks a bit weird, goes to bed earlier than the others and wont hang around with my ‘old’ flock. I think she may be old, (I don’t know how old she is) as I’ve been observing her for about a month and she doesn’t look ill, just strange. She also lays really big eggs. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks


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the way she is standing looks a bit weird, or is that just the angle of the camera? if she lays big eggs, that could be because she is older. if she goes to bed earlier, than maybe she loses energy faster and is sick? but you said se doesn't seem sick... try picking her up and bringing her over to the other chickens. she might be lonely and a bit depressed because of it... that can happen to chickens
the way she is standing looks a bit weird, or is that just the angle of the camera? if she lays big eggs, that could be because she is older. if she goes to bed earlier, than maybe she loses energy faster and is sick? but you said se doesn't seem sick... try picking her up and bringing her over to the other chickens. she might be lonely and a bit depressed because of it... that can happen to chickens
That’s how she stands. She gets along great with the 3 she came with, maybe she just needs more time to get used to my original flock
Stance is odd.
Doe she walk OK?
How do her poops look?
Might want to feel her belly, from below vent to down between her legs, for any swelling.
Stance is odd.
Doe she walk OK?
How do her poops look?
Might want to feel her belly, from below vent to down between her legs, for any swelling.
She walks fine, and her poos are normal. I’ll so that
The rest are huddled up together as well, it’s strange


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I think it might just be getting used to their new surroundings (hopefully). The lady i got them off completely free ranged them a lot, and they were in the road a lot. Their current enclosure is 20x20m, so big enough just smaller than they’re used to
So my new hens have been settling in very well, apart from one. She looks a bit weird, goes to bed earlier than the others and wont hang around with my ‘old’ flock. I think she may be old, (I don’t know how old she is) as I’ve been observing her for about a month and she doesn’t look ill, just strange. She also lays really big eggs. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
That’s a weird stance, almost looks like my chicken when she was egg bound. Hmm..

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