
Jul 12, 2020
Well had a lovely free roaming Roo show up and start hanging around our flock. He appears to have stick tight fleas. I have never dealt with these before, and don't want to get an infestation. IF I scoop him up and treat him, any chance I can get rid of them and possibly integrate him or should I chase him off?

He appears to be a Black Birchen Marans Rooster. He is NOT in with my chickens he is hanging on the outside of their run and yard, BUT we do tractor them on occasion so I worry that his fleas could spread to others and what about my dogs?

Any chance I can feed him something such as ivermectin paste (quest or ?) or does it have to be a pour on?
I will read through threads, but from what research I've done so far sounds like a lot of work for a "stray"... but I'm a rescuer :confused:


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It appears he has adopted you. The link above with permethrin is the best way I know of to get rid of stick tight fleas or any other pests such as lice and mites. Good luck...
It's hard to tell from the picture but it appears there are fleas around primarily the front of his eye and on his comb. Being careful not to get any permethrin in his eyes, I would use a Q-tip dipped in the permethrin solution and carefully apply it to the fleas. Good luck...
It's hard to tell from the picture but it appears there are fleas around primarily the front of his eye and on his comb. Being careful not to get any permethrin in his eyes, I would use a Q-tip dipped in the permethrin solution and carefully apply it to the fleas. Good luck...
Okay - Q-tip is a good idea! I will try to get a good picture when I catch him and apply.
Thanks for the tip.

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