Splayed leg chick not doing well in hobbles

That is the cutest thing! I agree leaving it in the sling for a day or two to get the position right would be helpful. You could do a little exercise with it still in the sling. Lift the feet and bend the knees a little.
That would be hard because the cardboard the feet are taped to the floor, but I could try lifting it up tomorrow.
Then I would leave it till you decide to do exercises. If they were just taped together I thought lift them but I think it would be better if the legs got into position.
The little booger pulled one of its feet free so I had to tape it back down. Poor thing is peeping nonstop and I don't have any more eggs due to hatch until Wednesday. I'm half tempted to go out and get a companion to keep in the incubator with it.

On the plus side, it just pooped all over me.
I took gimpy out of the sling today because it worked one of its feet out and I couldn't get it back in. Its legs look no better than they did before. I have to cull the poor thing. I either didn't get to it soon enough, or the condition was too bad to start with.

It looks to me like the right knee joint (from the perspective of the photo, chicks left knee) is very swollen and mal positioned. I am sorry to say but I think culling it would be the kindest thing to do. Ugh I hate saying that! You have done a great job with building the therapy gym, brilliant and under other circumstances I bet the chick would have pulled through. I think this one is a no-go. Just IMHO!!:hugs
It looks to me like the right knee joint (from the perspective of the photo, chicks left knee) is very swollen and mal positioned. I am sorry to say but I think culling it would be the kindest thing to do. Ugh I hate saying that! You have done a great job with building the therapy gym, brilliant and under other circumstances I bet the chick would have pulled through. I think this one is a no-go. Just IMHO!!:hugs
Thanks. I needed a second opinion before I did it in. The poor thing is very lively, but I don't have the resources to care or the chick long term.

Both knees are VERY stiff and won't straighten out all the way. Which is confirmation of what you were saying. I'm going to take care of it now.

R.I.P Gimpy.

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