Speckledhen's Ten Commandments of Good Flock Management

Cynthia - Wish I was closer, I would give you a hug in person.
You Rock!

It is like I tell all who know me. "I will definately have an opinion on everything. It is your choice if you want to listen to it or not."
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Doing all those except:
Hmmm, #8 is interesting and makes sense. Have to remember that.
#3... Anne's too lazy to change the six water bowls every day. Guess I'll have to get out the whip again.
"3) If you do not want my answer, do not ask. If the answer isn't palatable to you, don't take my advice, but I'd rather not to be followed around the forum for the express purpose of being sneering at, poked fun of, misquoted and misrepresented. "


Of all the users on the internet, too many of them do not understand this concept or they just have to complain for whatever reason. I get much of the same from car collectors on old car forums about my comments or my website. I will guarantee, like you, I will not post something I am not sure about. Of all the info on my website, I know of none of it that is not accurate. I take great care to ensure that. Being knowledgeable seems to irratate some people and they try to bring you down to their level or raise themselves up through negative behavior.

We have not had any problems with our flock yet and we got our first eggs at 21 weeks. We check the forum regularly and mentaly file away good advice on the care and feeding of our birds. Our coop, roosts, nest boxes, bedding, run, ventilation etc. are all heavily derrived from information we found on this forum from folks like you. I have filed away many of your comments, tips etc. for future reference.

Thank you.

P.S. Your avitar of you and your Roo says a great deal about how much you care for your flock.
P.S. Your avitar of you and your Roo says a great deal about how much you care for your flock

That is my precious Zane, who has been crippled for a year and a half of his entire two years. I do so love that boy. He's an angel with barred wings.
Thank you, Galaxie.​
Excellent site,
keep up the good work.
I read a lot of site on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks,
A definite great read…

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I'm really glad you wrote about these ten commandment, they really will help new chicken owners including myself. just a good overview to good management. thank you. jen:)aka lil roo
Thanks for the ten commandments and all the well thought out info on this thread. I might have missed it since there are alot of replies but, if you do find that you have a sick bird does that mean most likely all of your birds are infected? Should you assume they are or wiat it out? Thanks again
You always assume that they have all been exposed, though not necessarily infected. You know that you can be around someone with a cold or flu and not catch it if your immune system is very strong; it's advisable to separate an ill bird from the others immediately, though. Alot depends on the ailment. Bumblefoot isn't contagious bird to bird, but a simple staff infection in the foot, caused by bacteria getting into a scrape or wound, so that doesn't necessarily require separation. Neither do crop issues. Respiratory things are much worse.
Thank you for sharing this speckledhen, it's pretty much what I had come up with also. When I first started last summer I hadn't found this site yet, and wanted a few to start getting eggs from quickly, so I bought 1 Plymouth Rock, 2 Delawares, 3 Australorp, 1 Buff Cochin and our "mixed" Rooster. We've lost 3 hens to a possum, we now have the coop and yard very secure for nighttime and they free-range during the day. I also have a 22 waiting for that bugger to show up again
.I have bought all our birds and rabbits from the same person. Most of our chickens we raised from day old's, after I started reading on here. There are a few more day old's we're gonna get during this year, from the same person we've always bought from to finish out our breeds, then we will have a closed flock. I'm looking forward to getting my incubators built so I can start hatching my own. I'm so glad i found this forum, none of my animals have been sick but it's a great resource to know what to watch for and has given me great ideas for my coops, tractors, etc...

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