
6 Years
Jan 3, 2017
Southern Iowa (Lamoni)
My Coop
My Coop
Southern Iowa Swap, Trade, Barter

BYC is not responsible for transactions outside the BST area of the forum. All swaps are at the swappers risk and in no way will the Staff be involved in disputes. All disputes should be handled privately as per BYC Rules. No feedback and no feedback threads are allowed in these swaps. Do not report issues with the swaps using the report button. Please resolve all issues privately with your swap partner and/or the swap originator. BYC discourages all transactions outside the regular BST area. Non monetary swap transactions are only allowed in this forum and only in a Swap thread. You must be 18 or over to participate in any swap, trade or any other transaction on BYC. All BYC Rules apply.


1. Post quality photographs of what you want to trade. Along with with want you want.

2. All trading and comments must stay on topic of this thread.

3. This will help the board stay clean and easy to read what people have and want.

4. Items do not have to be Eggs if you have something you would like to trade list it along with what you are looking for.

DESCLAMER: BYC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS SWAP. BYC is not responsible for egg sent, received or not received.
French Black Copper Marans Hatching Eggs

Ayam Cemani Hatching Eggs
Northern Missouri

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