Songs We Like

It’s after dark.
And still
Bored Cabin Fever GIF
Livin' in the Sunlight, Lovin' in the Moonlight
Song by Bing Crosby

Things that bother you, never bother me
I think everything's fine
Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight
Having a wonderful time
Haven't got a lot, I don't need a lot
Coffee's only a dime
Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight
Having a wonderful time
Just take it from me, I'm just as free as any dove
I do what I like, just when I like, and how I love it
I don't give a hoot, give my cares the boot
All the world is in rhyme
Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight
Having a wonderful time

Kind of represents how I feel most people acted the last 4 years. Personally, I did not think anything was fine. Still don't but I won't get controversial.

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