Songs We Like

Just LUV this melody,,,,,,,,, :love
Original version of Guantanamera
Steel drums version.
Here are the Lyrics
Guantanamera, Guajira Guantanamera
Guantanamera, Guajira Guantanamera

Yo soy un hombre sincero
De donde crecen las palmas.
Yo soy un hombre sincero
De donde crecen las palmas.
Y antes de morir me quiero
Echar mis versos del alma.

Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera,
Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera.

Mi verso es de un verde claro
Y de un carmнn encendido.
Mi verso es de un verde claro
Y de un carmнn encendido.
Mi verso es un ciervo herido
Que busca en el monte amparo.

The words mean "I am a truthful man from the land of the palm trees.
And before dying, I want to share these poems of my soul.
My poems are soft green. My poems are also flaming crimson.
My poems are like a wounded fawn seeking refuge in the forest.

The last verse says: 'Con los pobres de la tierra'. With the poor people of this earth I want to share my fate. The streams of the mountains please me more than the sea. "

Por los pobres de la tierra
Quiero yo mi suerte echar
Por los pobres de la tierra
Quiero yo mi suerte echar
Y el arroyo de la sierra
Me complace mбs que el mar

Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera,
Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera.

Did I mention Joan Manuel Serrat ... The first track here is probably my fav of all time. He sings the poetry of Antonio Machado in this album. Very beautiful as is Guantanamera... love them both.

and thanks for the trip in the 'way-back machine' to SoCal, that was fun!:D
Love each of those songs.....
The California theme reminded me of Pasadena by John Paul Young (Aussie hit back whenever 1970s/80s) which was writting by Harry Vanda and George Young who wrote heaps and heaps of Aussie hits for the Easybeats and afterwards
The little guy singing was Stevie Wright (RIP), the tall blond bloke to the right of little Stevie is Harry Vanda and the dark-haired bloke to the left is George Young (RIP). He was the brother of Malcolm (RIP) and Angus Young who were in AC/DC, another well-known Aussie band.
(it gets depressing looking up the older acts and seeing that so many are now dead....)
I was thinking the same thing
He's got a lovely voice. I just wish I knew Spanish so I could follow the lyrics.
Just for fun I translated most of it and then checked google and found one. I have to say I think my translation is a bit better.
first the 'clunky' translation..

now let me see if I can copy mine over here....
things come and things go
ours is to go
to go making pathways
paths across the sea

i never sought glory
nor to leave in the memory
of man my song
i love the subtle worlds
weightless and gentle
like bubbles of soap

I like to watch them paint themselves
with sunshine and garnet, and fly
under the blue sky, tremble
suddenly and break apart

(spoken part )
Traveler, your footprints are
the path and nothing more.
Traveler, there is no path,
you make you path by walking.
Walking, the path is created
and turning to look back
one sees the trail that
one can never walk again.
Traveler there is no path
only stars upon the ocean.
(end spoken part)

some time ago in that place
where the forests are dressed in pines,
The voice of the poet was heard to cry:
"Traveler, there is no path,
The path is made by walking"
step by step, verse by verse.

The poet died far from home
He is covered in the dust of a neighbor country.
When he left he was heard to cry:
"Traveler, there is no path.
The path is made by walking"
step by step, verse by verse."

When the goldfinch cannot sing
When the poet is a 'peregrino'(pilgrim, wanderer, traveler?)
When there is no point in praying...
"Traveler, there is no path.
You make your path by walking"
step by step, verse by verse
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Just for fun I translated most of it
Thank you! "traveller, you make your path by walking", what a fabulous sentiment. You certainly miss out on things not being able to understand the lyrics.
Is "camino" path? I recognised that word, for some reason I thought it was a truck, but didn't think he'd be singing about trucks :D You saved me having to look it up.
Thank you! "traveller, you make your path by walking", what a fabulous sentiment. You certainly miss out on things not being able to understand the lyrics.
Is "camino" path? I recognised that word, for some reason I thought it was a truck, but didn't think he'd be singing about trucks :D You saved me having to look it up.
Yes, camino is path or road... as in camino real - the kings road.
Camion is truck or bus ... they are close.:D
That line stuck out for me also 40 yrs ago when I first heard this one, I was in a foreign country at the time.
I also love the line - donde los bosques se visten de pinos(where the forest is dressed in pine) and le cubre el polvo de un pais vecino(he is covered in the dust of a neighboring country).

I went back and edited in the translation of the spoken part that I left out before since it elaborates on the sentiment you liked. Once in a while I enjoy doing a translation, I guess like some do i was inspired by the translation of Guajira Guantanamera that @cavemanrich posted! lol thanks for your interest.

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