Something stole 11 of our chicks. Any ideas of what it could be?



Jesus Loves You🌵
Apr 23, 2021
Hey everyone.
Thanks in advance for reading my post.

Sunday of last week, we were putting the chickens to bed, and forgot about 1 of the broods. They were outside in the chicken run inside an enclosed cage area.
Apparently there was a little opening on top and next morning we come to see that all of them are dead - except for one.
The sebright hen was half eaten and all other chicks were missing except for some legs and feathers.
There was one chick that survived, untouched, and it was always chirping trying to find its mother. We took it in the house and it started getting attached to humans and following us around (The chick is almost a month old).
Unfortunately, I was not able to get photos of the incident,

Almost a week later, (last night) the second brood of chicks (8 chicks) with the other sebright mother were in the coop, like usual, and everything was closed off. We have netting all around both run areas and the coop is all secure. We're not sure how, but something got in the coop (probably the same thing that got the other one) and took all of the chicks (who were 1.5 months or so) except for one. The sebright hen survived with her one chick.
This morning we checked and there were some dead chick bodies laying around, and some were completely gone, but the broody was untouched.

So all in all, we lost 11 chicks in less than a week.

We're not sure what this could be. A fox would have been way too big, and we haven't really seen other predators except for possums and hawks, but hawks hunt during the day.

Today, we are getting a trap from a fellow chicken owner and we are wondering what we should use as the "bait". Cooked chicken maybe?

Thanks for any help and suggestions.
Weasels and rats can squeeze through impossibly small openings and do the kind of destruction you've been seeing.

Besides setting traps, I would spend a few hours locating all vulnerable spots where openings and cracks two inches or larger exist and blocking them by screwing sheet metal over them. Sheet metal in rolls that can be cut to size with sheet metal scissors are available at any hardware store.

I like bucket roller traps for rats. Easy to set up, safe around chickens, and rodents are easily disposed of by simply dumping them out of the water in the bucket. Other predators aren't as easily trapped, and predator proofing your run and coop is the best way to deal with them.
So sorry!
Any opening anywhere larger than 1/2" diameter is too big!!! Fix everything, because your birds are not safe as things are.
Rats or weasels can get through small openings, and rats will live in insulated walls too. Usually rats will leave signs (rat poop) so look for that while you are fixing your coop, soonest.
If your coop isn't fixed by tonight, bring your survivors in where they can be safe and not terrorized.
How big was the opening?
The only opening I see that could be the issue is about 1.5''-2''

I narrowed it down after some research, and decided it was some sort of weasel/mink.
We borrowed a trap and we will set it up tonight with canned cat food and fresh chicken thighs.
We also borrowed a trail cam so we can really see what it is if we don't end up trapping it.

Does that sound okay?

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