Something isn't right with my Sofia


In the Brooder
Sep 24, 2016
Near Corona, CA
So my good laced Wyandotte is about a month younger than my big girls, but she's recently seemed to pull her neck to her chest and doesn't walk around with her head up of that makes any sense. The few days she's seeming to separate herself from the group of hens. Any ideas? She also is smaller (but significantly so )than everyone else and doesn't seem to eat as much, but she does eat. She has a friend in my speckled Sussex as they were chicks together.
Does she act sleepy or lethargic? If she is hunched or puffed up, having runny poops with mucus or blood, and not eating, she could have coccidiosis. Coccidiosis can be confirmed by a vet examining fresh droppings, and they can also check for worms. Or you could treat with Corid (amprollium) in the water for 5 days.
If that doesn't seem like her problem, I would feel of her crop to see if it is empty, full, soft or hard. It should be mostly empty in early morning before she has eaten. Crop impaction or sour crop can be common if long grasses get stuck in the crop.
Is she old enough to lay eggs yet? How old is she? If you can think of anything else let us know.
She's about 6 months. Not eating much, but eating. She drinks as well. She's not laying yet, two of my girls just started this week though- very exciting. She's sleepy ish if that make sense but will still come running when I call them over for a treat.
I haven't noticed her poops being runny, but I'll check that out tomorrow as they're in for the evening. Thanks! I mashed up a couple hard boiled eggs for them, so we shall see if that perks her up a bit. She seems interested.
Her neck doesn't seem to be stuck down like wry neck does it? It sounds more like it is pulled back into her shoulders, the puffed up look. You could separarte her in a dog crate over night or for a day, and try feeding her the egg or some canned tuna, and offer some feed with water added in a bowl. Feel of crop in the morning before she eats. Crop problems are common, but also crops may be slow working during an illness, such as with coccidiosis or a worm infestation.
So I've separated her into a dog crate, she's not eating much. Gave her some feed and some water and tuna. She's pooped. It looks small, but normal nothing odd about it. She's really light in weight compared to everyone else, but when I give fruit or other things she seems to eat. I'm at a loss.

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