Retired medic, here. The black stuff was either necrotic (dead) tissue or old dried blood. The smell is the infection, which will die down.
It's great that he's back to his old tricks. Pretty guy!

Oh BYC family, can we give this gal even MORE props for doing this while healing from a c-section on top of everything else. Bravo! Bravo! :bow

For REAL! I am SO PROUD OF YOU! I know that stuff stinks to high heaven having emptied many cat abscesses myself :sick It will get better as it heals!

I love the pictures! This post makes me so warm and fuzzy inside! I hope your in-laws are as impressed with you as we are :love
Hello I am not a chicken owner, But my mother in law and father in law own chickens. Theyre not the best chicken owners and are out of town anyways do to a death in the family, But there is no time to wait till theyre back and even then I dont think anything would be done. Their Roosters foot is rotting and its gonna die. I myself do not have any money to take him to the vet and I am trying everything to save this chicken. Hes a big pretty tame and sweet rooster. He had what I thought to be very severe bumblefoot.. When it first started I asked them what theyre gonna do and MIL said she would keep an eye on it. But I didnt go over for and while and when I came back the chicken is in bad shape. So I did research and diagnosed severe bumblefoot. But way worse then any picture I've seen on the internet. Please help me save this rooster. He is so sweet. I feel so bad for him. I just dont know if I have the means... Yesterday I did try to preform a surgery. I feel like I have failed. I cut open the top of the giant absess scab and drained alot of puss and used tweezers to remove a bunch of yellow cheese like clumps. I did keep pouring alot of warm water onto the top scab before cutting. After I pulled out as much that was moveable and would come out. I cleaned out wound again and I wrapped his foot in gauze with tape. I went back today to clean it out and check on him and I was mortified when I removed the gauze its a BIG black hole. Just all black inside and on the outside. It appears to be rotting and it smells terrible!! I then noticed when I looked on the bottom of his foot he has the cheese substance also poking out of the bottom of his foot. Someone please tell me what to do! I am alone in this and no one even cares to help me. I cant even get anyone to hold him long enough to clean or wrap it because theyre"grossed out" and he "stinks" my heart is broke. But im gonna do this alone. I just dont know what to do. I dont want to give up on this chicken. I want him to live View attachment 1811430 View attachment 1811430 and I am afraid its too late and out of my hands. I do not have pictures of the foot after I lanced and picked the stuff out and it turned black, but I do have pictures before. Im going back first thing in the morning. Can someone tell me please what I can do.. I do not have injectable antibiotics. I just had a baby and I dont have the money to buy anything im still on maternity leave and I'm so sad. I feel helpless. I do have childrens oral penicillin though. Can I give this to the chicken?
The advice given was very good.
You can go to Tractor Supply and buy powered Tetracycline - this is an antibiotic birds, chickens can take.
You may have to ask about the dose mixture - you put it in the water which is easy
I've saved my rooster with a bad foot this way, in a dog crate in the basement
Good wishes

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