Some bird Pictures! Parrots!


The truth is out there...
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Finally I'm able to upload my photos to the net. Here's a few I've already done today.

Big Bird









Thank you everyone! I also forgot to add that these are the birds I care for at work. It's one of the most awesome jobs! I get to take the all out and all I have to do is clean, feed, and water them all! They aren't technically mine, but I consider them all my babies!

The pink one is funny little reggie bird. When Joyce rescued him, he took a liking to me. He doesn't let anyone else take him out of the cage. He's has the cutest little voice too! Oh yeah, these are all rescues too. She does not buy any of these birds.
OMG!!!! I'm in love with Reggie & Peaches - have always wanted a Rose-breasted & a Goffin's!

Do you work with a bird rescue? How much exciting (and what a labor of love
) come into contact with so many beautiful birds!!!!
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Technically this lady is listed as a rescue, but she actually does this out of her house! She must have money because she built and entire room just for the birds! She has probably about 40 of them and gets new ones every time I go back! She does adopt some out too, but most of the ones she has now are ones she keeps. I LOVE working there! The hours are more than flexible, I get to learn about birds, and I have all the enjoyment of being with them without actually owning them. Eventually I would like to get a parrot, but not until quite a few years from now. At least I have some contacts to get a bird from when I'm ready! I do have more pictures, but I'll upload them another time. I have hundreds and hundreds of the birds!
Those are some nice looking babies. You can tell by looking at the pupils...juveniles have black pupils that turn transparent as they mature.

I'm not a rich man,by far,I live on disability-permanently. I do,however,have nine conures living with me. I had built a sixty foot gazebo habitat with a water feature,prior to becoming disabled and the flock seems happy enough. When the spring gets here and I open up the habitat I'll upload some photos. I tried taking some photos recently,but with all the glass panels and extra lights for winter...well one could understand.

I do commend you for being so kind to take care of those birds. Conures tend to be one of the most mistreated "pets" which is something I can't understand. All of my birds are close in age to me...around 40-50 years old;five of them being "rescued" birds.
I am no bird expert and I am not a rescue - but a few years ago I did rescue a Quaker parrot - who's owner got her because " she was cool " but basicaly that was the only reason they had her - she was very abused and unloved and has some behavior issues we are still working with. She HATES all men because the guy who had her would clip her wings WAY to short and make them bleed and when Pollie would bite him - he would hit her breaking the tip of her beak or splash beer on her and she would have to stay in her cage bleeding - this was something I was not willing to over look- so I took her in - it took about a week for me to be able to hold her , and no matter how much DH tries to make friends Pollie HATES him so DH just talks to her and offers her treats but thats about it.
We have had her going on 3 years or more now-
some of the bad behavior she has - she screams at the top of her lungs for attention , bites at her ankle tag all the time , and sometimes bites at her wings ( she dont pull the feathers )
But she is a great bird loves to talk - she says peek-a-boo, what,come here, good boy/girl, pretty bird, ouch, barks like a dog

she is a charater -
i am happy that the birds you care for are so loved - good for you and the sweet lady to make them happy -


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