Soldier fly in IL?


Apr 28, 2020
Chicago, IL
I've been trying to find info on raising black soldier flies, and people seem to be saying they come on their own. Is this true everywhere? I live in Chicago, and I can't seem to find out if there is a local population. Also, If anyone has extra tips for attracting them, that would be great.
At one time I would rake the yard and throw the green grass clipping in a pile I was going to compost. Most of what was in there was grass clippings with a few leaves. What resulted was a black, slimy, stinky goo under the clippings and I found their larvae in this goo. Try that.
I read a forum post on here back in March or so about someone creating a bucket feeder for them and used wet cat food inside the bucket to attract. They drilled a bunch of holes in the bottom of the bucket, but left the middle part intact, added a few tablespoons of cat food to the middle, hung the bucket in their run and waahhlaaaaa. They flew in to eat the food, laid their eggs and the larva fell out of the bucket through the holes. I tried searching for it now but couldn't seem to find it
Living Web Farms on You Tube has excellent series of videos about BSF (Black Soldier Flies) and the use of their larvae (BSFL) for feed or just as an excellent composting method. I have them growing in MN, in an enclosed but unheated area, with some insulation the have stayed alive so far. At times they seemed dead, media they are in seemed at least semi frozen, but with heat they have perked back up. But the longest they have gone without getting warmed up is a night or two. At times they are going dormant for sure. I had some adult flies emerge in my reptile's tank, moved them to a bin inside his tank and they laid some eggs. It is an experiment in progress borne out of a need for live food for our pet bearded dragon who will have nothing to do with dried(dead) insects, nor will he eat pellets, so having live food on hand for him is necessary.

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