So when do you close the pop door for the night? As soon as they go in, or later?


Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
May 8, 2020
Central New York USA
My 6-week old Buckeyes have been going in to roost now about 8pm. It's still a bit light out. KNowing how they behaved in the brooder, I'm thinking they might take a little time to get situated. Do you give them time to tussle around and settle down in the half-light? Maybe my situation is a little different - the Eglu Cube doesn't have windows except for the pop door and the vents, so I've been giving them until it's really dark before I close the door, just in case.
My chickens go in about 10 minutes after there is any hint of getting dark. I'd say close it as soon as their settled for the night. :)
Yesterday I asked a friend about her chickens, and she said her little ones (8 weeks old) want to stay out more than the older hens do, that the older ones go right in about 7-7:30 and the little ones stay out until it's pretty close to 8pm (just past sunset now). Have you heard of a difference with the age of the bird maybe?
I set the auto door to close a bit after they go in, as much as 30 - 60 min later. Partially because I don't want to keep reprogramming it, and partially because some birds do wander in later than others, so this gives them ample time to get in and get settled.
I check to see they are all inside on the roost, then close the door and the pop door. I wait until sunset-plus-ten minutes to go check and that seems to work well. Earlier and earlier now!
@rosemarythyme Do you have daylight savings time where you are, so you have to reset it twice a year then?

Yes, though I change the settings more often than that. In the summer the chickens might stay out as late as 9:15 PM, so I'll set the close time later and later as days lengthen until it gets set to around 9:30 or so. As the days get shorter I'll start setting close times earlier until around December, when it gets set to maybe 5:00 PM

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