(So Sad UPDATE)....Bitter Sweet Day...

4H kids and mom

Cooped Up
12 Years
Mar 10, 2007
Southern Wisconsin
Well, of the two new goats, the little white one began to look sick (weepy eyes with thick yellow gunk, runny nose, cough, sneezing, no energy, laying around, skin and bones, etc) and we worried that we were going to get attached to a sickly goat that we would loose sometime soon.
I called the farm last night and asked them what they thought we should do, and they said we could bring her back and switch her with someone a little 'healthier'.

After a heartbreaking few hours of talking it over with the DH and kids, we decided this was the best option for us. :| We headed back out to the farm and the little white goat (who we'd named Belle) just layed in my daughters arms the whole ride there. She has a hard time opening her eyes and squints in the sunlight. Poor dear. Sadly, even the farm doesn't think she'll make it, but they are going to keep her in their house with their new mama dog who has pups about the same size. She is just SOOOOO small.

Well, anyway we got to the farm to pick a new goat, and because Daisy (the brown and white one we have) is a girl, we needed another girl. There were so many to choose from, and it was hard to pick just one. I let my daughter choose and she choose an all black cutie with a nice pot belly and playful, romping disposition. She was harder to hang onto on the ride home! Quite a change! She is a little skittish, but she'll tame down nice with lovin'. I'll take a few pics of her today and post them.

I am sad that we had to take Belle back to the farm, but I just dont think we could have bared to watch her slide downhill and die in our arms...
They are so much like little dogs...it would have broken all of our hearts to loose her that way. Did I do the wrong thing? Please tell me I'm not a horrible person for this. Right now I feel like I am the worst person on the Earth. :|
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You did the right thing--ecspecially for your children. You dont want their first experience being dramatic and negative. And let it ease your mind that the place you took her back to is bringing her inside and giving her love -and hopefully a chance.

Maybe if things work out for her, you could take her back? I hope your new goatie works out!
I absolutely agree, you did the right thing and you spared your kids from heartache.
Really looking rforward to pics, the little goats sound adorable!
Sad update.
The farm called me today to inform me that I was right. Little Belle passed away last night in the arms of the eldest farmers daughter (16). Yesterday she began having some trouble eating. Then she couldn't stand, and finally by early evening she was having trouble breathing. They called for the vet to come out and humanely euthanize her, but she died before he got there.

The worst part is that I went to our Photobucket account to upload the photos of the 'new' goat to post here, and there she was, staring right back at me. I have several good photos of her. God, I'm ballin' like a big ol' baby here. I'm sad she's gone...she was so sweet and gentle. But, on the other hand, I am happy that she died in the arms of someone warm, who whispered gentle kindness to her as she crossed over that Bridge, and that she didnt' pass away unseen in a dark barn somewhere. I am happy that she passed on with a name, and that we had the chance to love her and know her, even though her time was short. In rememberance of her, here are the few photos I had taken just days before she left this plane. Be at peace, sweet Belle. We will miss you.



Awwwwww, she was so sweet.
I am so sorry she didnt make it...but I think you did the right thing taking her back to the farm she was born on. I am so glad she had someone to hold her in thier arms and comfort her as she passed. Gods speed little one.
OH, how sad...and she looked like a sweetie too... :aww
She's in heaven now, frolicking and kicking up her heels, chasing butterflies...

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