Snake proofing my chicken coop....Money is not a concern.

Music City Flock

May 2, 2024
First time with chickens and ducks...we have 18 baby chicks (all female) and 3 baby ducklings (all female)...we are currently assembling our chicken coops that we purchased at Lowes....I realize there might not be a 100% effective way to keep snakes out of the coop, but if money was not a limiting factor what would give as close to 100% protection from snakes getting in the coop. I'm sure you can already tell I hate snakes (good and bad ones)...all ideas are welcome even if most people would not find them practical...I appreciate you taking the time to comment!
Granulated Sulphur...Since snakes are cold blooded when they slither across it. the Sulphur burns them.....Similar to us as humans being burnt by a hot pot off the stove, or a sudden extreme sunburn.
Consider why the snakes are attracted to the coop... likely rodents are the draw. Will they eat the chicks and eggs, sure. But far more likely rats and mice draw them in first. Watch out for squirrels too, this time of year mamma squirrels are needing protein to produce milk and they are carnivorous.
My entire run and coop is covered in hardware cloth with an apron of about 15-17”. I feel confident that nothing can enter…though it’s open during the day when I’m home, but I look around before lights out.
what size is your hardware cloth? Is your apron buried straight down or is it laid out on top of ground?

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