Snake near coop, what kind is it and is it safe to let them out?

la dee da

15 Years
Dec 18, 2008
Well, today I went out to the coop to let the chickens out when I noticed a snake right by the coop. I've no idea what kind it is, though I doubt it's poisonous. It's about a foot and a half long and it didn't move when I was taking pictures. I don't know if it's safe to let the chickens out. I don't want the four hens and rooster to kill the snake if it's non venumous and I'm concerned about the snake eating the chicks. The chicks are quite big now, I got them at the end of March so they're a good 10 weeks but I still don't want anything happening to them.
ETA: I forgot to mention that I live in Virginia, if that helps.

Sorry about the blurryness of the photos, I had to resize them on paint.

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Looks like a young rat snake. If your chickens are full grown, doubt he would hurt them. I'd be more worried about what the chickens would do to the snake.
My sister's fiancee came over and identified it for me as a grass snake (he thinks the technical name is garter snake). Completely harmless to my chicks and big enough to get away from my hens.
Just watch out for the larger snakes when you have young chicks - they can eat an amazing number of eggs and chicks, and will keep coming back!

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