Small white bugs around eye and ear


5 Years
Jan 17, 2019
Are those lice, mites or something else? Looks like lice to me, but decided to ask just in case. See attached video. Never seen this particular type before. All the mites I've seen have been dark and they were around the vents not the eyes. I caught several near the back fold of the eye on one of the girls. This was the biggest one, the others were much smaller. She has been shaking her head more than usual, these turned out to be the reason. No feather loss on her and ear looked clean on the inside, but another hen had a spot of missing feathers on the back of her neck (not from mating). Didn't see any other bugs on the rest of the flock.
That is a louse. Permethrin garden dust or the spray will kill them. Use it once, and then in 10 days to get the newly hatched eggs. Check again in 10 days. Get rid of bedding and spray the coop, nest boxes, and roosts.,
Update for anyone that has found this thread in the future :D .

Apparently those are a type of head lice. They breed around the back of the neck and although they can be seen under the wings and around the vent it's not a guarantee. There were none of them in those places, in my case. See attached pic (not mine, found online), they often move from their living area on the neck and behind the ear lobes to the eyes. Not sure why, some say it is where they take a drink. Yeah I know, disgusting.

The permethrin worked very well like it does on the normal lice I've seen.


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