Skinny Chook Dropping Feathers :(


Jul 10, 2017
My two year old hen has been skinny for a while (several months) and she has dropped out some wing feathers when she is not molting. I got her poop tested for parasites (since she was skinny), but she didn't have any worms or anything.

She isn't lethargic, she's active and everything. She isn't laying eggs, but its winter still (still very cold here in Alberta, Canada). Her poop seems normal. She might have Coryza, as one of my other Chickies has it.

Please give your two cents!
My two year old hen has been skinny for a while (several months) and she has dropped out some wing feathers when she is not molting. I got her poop tested for parasites (since she was skinny), but she didn't have any worms or anything.

She isn't lethargic, she's active and everything. She isn't laying eggs, but its winter still (still very cold here in Alberta, Canada). Her poop seems normal. She might have Coryza, as one of my other Chickies has it.

Please give your two cents!
Can you post some photos of your hen, her poop and the feather loss?
What do you feed including treats?

You mention one of your chickens has Infectious Coryza(?) did you get a diagnosis for that or are you going by symptoms?

Tell us a little more about your flock - how many chickens all together do you have hens/roosters and how do you house them.

Weight loss can be from a number of things - worms and reproductive problems come to mind. Even though you had a fecal float, sometimes a sampling just doesn't have a worm count. After you have exhausted all ideas, it may be worth worming her.
Does she have any symptoms of Infectious Coryza? Look her over for lice/mites, feel the abdomen for bloat or fluid and check to make sure her crop is empty in the morning.
i'll get photos later...
i got the hen with coryza diagnosed.
um i just bought some chicken feed that was supposed to be a complete feed from the local farm supplies store. i mix it with a bit of corn since its very cold in winter in alberta. i give them treats of leftovers, and salad with yogurt on it (live culture yogurt).
i only have two chickens. they live in a small coop together. no roosters.
i'll get photos later...
i got the hen with coryza diagnosed.
um i just bought some chicken feed that was supposed to be a complete feed from the local farm supplies store. i mix it with a bit of corn since its very cold in winter in alberta. i give them treats of leftovers, and salad with yogurt on it (live culture yogurt).
i only have two chickens. they live in a small coop together. no roosters.
If the protein content of your poultry feed is around 16% you may want to increase protein to see if she improves. You can give her a little egg, meat or fish for a boost. Cut back on the "treats" so 95% of her daily intake comes from the poultry feed.

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