Six weeks old! Happy chickens so far.


6 Years
Feb 5, 2018
Feather Falls, CA
My chicks are now six weeks old (well, on Tuesday 3/13!) and seem to have chickening down to a science. They come out into the run automatically (the door is always open) in the morning and I feed them. Then it's time for a nap, some of them like to roost, some just sit in the straw. They go into the coop at night when it gets dark. I still check to see if they are all in there especially if a freeze is expected. Ethel is my runt, she looks awful! The only "problem" (which is not a problem really) is that they won't go inside at dark unless the light is on in the coop. Not the heat lamp, that's gone, just the ceiling light. If the light is off they just pile up outside the coop door! Funny chickens! They know who I am (I didn't handle them as babies) and come to the sound of my voice. Two of them in particular (Ethel is one) likes to follow me and I have to be careful they don't try to leave the coop with me. We are all in love! :love I've shown you mine, now show me yours!

6 week treets small.jpg 6 weeks Ethel the runt small.jpg 6 weeks in chicken palace small.jpg 6 weeks roosting small.jpg
Regarding the chicks not wanting to coop at night: they can't see in the dark very well so if the coop isn't well lit they don't want to put themselves in at night. So just leave a light on for them until they get settled in for the night, or you can add more windows to provide natural light.
Regarding the chicks not wanting to coop at night: they can't see in the dark very well so if the coop isn't well lit they don't want to put themselves in at night. So just leave a light on for them until they get settled in for the night, or you can add more windows to provide natural light.
Thanks, I have been leaving the light on for them to find their way in now. We are not going to add windows. Bears like to tear up and through windows and they are our main predator. Thanks again! :D
interesting! We put a little battery operated lantern inside the coop the first night, thought it would just be a part time transitional thing- but I guess they like a night light!
I think bears can tear through anything! How about electric fencing around your run to manage the bears, and a big window in the coop, with hardware cloth and woven wire fencing over it, for light and ventilation.
I think bears can tear through anything! How about electric fencing around your run to manage the bears, and a big window in the coop, with hardware cloth and woven wire fencing over it, for light and ventilation.
Electric fence is in the works, we have everything to do it, we just need to do it! I'm sure Husband will not add windows to the coop, he's not happy about "everything I do around here is for chickens". :hmm

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