Single duckling imprinted on us


In the Brooder
May 4, 2021
My husband & I have Silver Appleyard Ducks and recently our female ducks laid. We had to move their nests (we wouldn’t have if we didn’t need to) and they stopped sitting.
We bought an incubator & placed them in.
Long story short, only ONE duckling made it from one of the clutches. The other clutch is still incubating.
This one duckling has imprinted on us since we were there for every step of his hatching process.
We spend as much time with him as we can but obviously can’t be there every second. Anytime we put him back in his brooder he cries for us and it breaks my heart😭
(He’s our first duckling & hatch ever so we were so exited that he made it!)

I would LOVE any and all info on raising singular ducklings & ducklings that have imprinted on their not so feathery parents.
Anything to help him be as happy and healthy as he can be! He is a day old and I would just love to see him grow big & strong. I’m really hoping he makes it & want to help him as much as I can!

Thank you in advance!


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Your duckling is adorable. I have ducks but have never raised a single baby. I have raised a single chick, and she is bonded to me to this day.

You and your husband are all this little one knows, so I'm not surprised that he misses you every minute you're not with him. The world can be a scary, lonely place for a baby. Some folks put stuffed toys in their ducklings' brooders or mirrors (both of which will get messy because, well, that's what ducks are) to give them the illusion of company. I think it's likely that, at some point, your baby will be able to bond with babies from the new hatch.

Good luck with them all! Let us know how it works out,
Your duckling is adorable. I have ducks but have never raised a single baby. I have raised a single chick, and she is bonded to me to this day.

You and your husband are all this little one knows, so I'm not surprised that he misses you every minute you're not with him. The world can be a scary, lonely place for a baby. Some folks put stuffed toys in their ducklings' brooders or mirrors (both of which will get messy because, well, that's what ducks are) to give them the illusion of company. I think it's likely that, at some point, your baby will be able to bond with babies from the new hatch.

Good luck with them all! Let us know how it works out,
Thank you! I was trying to find a small mirror to put with him & couldnt find one anywhere around the house lol. I also have a fluffy little toy in there for him to snuggle with. He’s eating & drinking & doing well! I hope he continues that way. I’ve read things about ducklings passing away days after hatching. I’d be SO upset.
I’m thinking about buying him a friend or 2 from somewhere nearby since we both work and I hate for him to be alone and sad.
Thank you! I was trying to find a small mirror to put with him & couldnt find one anywhere around the house lol. I also have a fluffy little toy in there for him to snuggle with. He’s eating & drinking & doing well! I hope he continues that way. I’ve read things about ducklings passing away days after hatching. I’d be SO upset.
I’m thinking about buying him a friend or 2 from somewhere nearby since we both work and I hate for him to be alone and sad.
Congratulations on your baby! So adorable! 💖💖💖

Do you both work out of the house? If one of you works from home could you keep him at your feet? My baby ducklings loved to sleep on my feet.

Ducklings get distressed without companionship of some kind, as you are discovering.
Congratulations on your baby! So adorable! 💖💖💖

Do you both work out of the house? If one of you works from home could you keep him at your feet? My baby ducklings loved to sleep on my feet.

Ducklings get distressed without companionship of some kind, as you are discovering.
We both Work. But there’s only about three hours difference sometimes less that he would be alone. Right when each of us get home we spend time with him!
I used a small stuffed animal to keep Peeps company in her brooder. Yes they can get very attached to you, I know I’ve been through this twice and it started my whole duck hobby from 2 down to one then up to 20 lol

Be careful with intro of new ducklings, if there is too big of a difference in age , specifically size, there can be problems. Once they are a little older and close to each other in size it should be fine.

I warn you, once they hangout with other naughty ducks they may no longer be your little baby. It’s bittersweet but it’s the right thing to do I think.
I think most other people have said this, but I myself have a single duckling right now, hatched 2 days ago, and he lives in my room. He’s “disabled” and can’t be with my bigger ducklings, which are unfortunately 2-3 weeks older and much bigger. I’d put him with them if he was stronger. Same thing with mine, I’m with him often but he chirps whenever I’m not around. I have other ducklings in the incubator as well, but they are 2-3 weeks from hatching, so im going to get a friend for him. I’d suggest you do that too. Ducks get very very lonely if you’re not always there. They can still imprint on you if you have two, but they’ll be very happy with eachother. I had two last year that I got as babies, I spent a lot of time with them, and as adults they followed me around and let me pet them. So overall, I’d suggest getting him a friend unless you can be with him all. The. Time. Ducks are very social. Best of luck!

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