Silver Laced Wyandotte - 4 weeks old - pullet or cockerel

I know this is an old post, but Did yours turn out to be a rooster or a hen? I have 3 silver laced wyandottes bought through a hatchery and paid for all females, however my favorite one is looking like yours did with the pink color in the comb and tiny waddles starting to form. I hope she is not a he as I'm not allowed to keep roosters in town. Mine all turned 4 weeks old today.
I know this is an old post, but Did yours turn out to be a rooster or a hen? I have 3 silver laced wyandottes bought through a hatchery and paid for all females, however my favorite one is looking like yours did with the pink color in the comb and tiny waddles starting to form. I hope she is not a he as I'm not allowed to keep roosters in town. Mine all turned 4 weeks old today.
Post picture
And i will have to look at them today .n ill take some pics n post
I know this is an old post, but Did yours turn out to be a rooster or a hen? I have 3 silver laced wyandottes bought through a hatchery and paid for all females, however my favorite one is looking like yours did with the pink color in the comb and tiny waddles starting to form. I hope she is not a he as I'm not allowed to keep roosters in town. Mine all turned 4 weeks old today.

Someone posted earlier on this board that wyandottes sometimes mature quickly in the comb/wattle area and I found this to be true with my pullet too. Her comb developed a blush around 3-4 weeks old and she started to form wattles so I was starting to sweat a bit but they haven't developed excessively since that time and she's approaching 3 months old now. The pics of wyandotte cockerels I've seen have bright wattles at 6 weeks and they're very noticeable. If you're still uncertain, you should know soon.

I found this blog to be helpful for comparison pictures:
Someone posted earlier on this board that wyandottes sometimes mature quickly in the comb/wattle area and I found this to be true with my pullet too. Her comb developed a blush around 3-4 weeks old and she started to form wattles so I was starting to sweat a bit but they haven't developed excessively since that time and she's approaching 3 months old now. The pics of wyandotte cockerels I've seen have bright wattles at 6 weeks and they're very noticeable. If you're still uncertain, you should know soon.

I found this blog to be helpful for comparison pictures:
Okay yeah ive heard the males that their combs and wattles to be more brighter deeper color
Someone posted earlier on this board that wyandottes sometimes mature quickly in the comb/wattle area and I found this to be true with my pullet too. Her comb developed a blush around 3-4 weeks old and she started to form wattles so I was starting to sweat a bit but they haven't developed excessively since that time and she's approaching 3 months old now. The pics of wyandotte cockerels I've seen have bright wattles at 6 weeks and they're very noticeable. If you're still uncertain, you should know soon.

I found this blog to be helpful for comparison pictures:

Thank you! Mine is more blush color not red at all. I'll be keeping a close eye these next few weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed that she remains a she.
Thank you! Mine is more blush color not red at all. I'll be keeping a close eye these next few weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed that she remains a she.
U welcome
Like a pink color blush ?
Yeah i have 1 that i know for sure is a pullet her comb n wattles are.blush color and other 3 im not sure of but hope they turn out to be females atleast 2 more of them lol
But they are 7 weeks 1 day old now
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I know this is an old post, but Did yours turn out to be a rooster or a hen? I have 3 silver laced wyandottes bought through a hatchery and paid for all females, however my favorite one is looking like yours did with the pink color in the comb and tiny waddles starting to form. I hope she is not a he as I'm not allowed to keep roosters in town. Mine all turned 4 weeks old today.
For fear of beating a dead horse,I know this post is old, but I would like to know what you found out about your pullets. I’m in the same boat with an un-sexed 4 week old Gold Laced Wyandotte that was sold to me as a sexed female Black Australorp.

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