

13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
As I have said many times I am wanting a sliky chicken or two as a pet...but not right away..also I haven't a CLUE where to get them!!!

Where would you get a few chicks witought a limit to the amount?

I have bought chickens at the market before..but you don't really get a choice of breeds.

Does anyone have any ideas where I can get like 2 silky chicks?

I dont know about the transport of chickens to canada. Is it alloud? And if so where in canada are you? I am near the falls on the us side. I would be willing to travel there. I have many silkies.
I think your silkies are beautiful! Everytime I see your chickens pictures I want them more!!

They are definatly my favorite forum chickens:p

hmm I am not sure if it is aloud or not??? I am in Ontario...

I might wait til winter is over to get the chicks tho...
You could post a Want ad at your feed store. I made a lot of friends & conections posting that I was looking for silkies. Make it so that people can rip off your phone # or they might take the entire ad & then other people cant see it. Good luck
Canada will let you bring them in ,but you will have to fill out paperwork at the border and they may require a vets certificate. Check w/ your ag dept.

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