Silkies Who Roost at Night


9 Years
Jul 16, 2010
Pacific NorthWest
Many silkie folks have observed and reported that their silkies don't roost, as a matter of fact, they even hate ramps. Well, mine have shown the contrary. Here are some pics to illustrate my quirky little fellas, who DO like to roost at night with the big boys and girls. All these Silkies were my trial order breed from 2 different hatcheries. I have some breeder silkie eggs in the incubator, I'm eager to see the difference in quality. These silkies are only 4 months old, so they have a lot of growing to do.


This is the view from the door, into the chicken coop, with the different level rungs for roosting. The most dominant birds sleep on the top. And the lower levels sleep the subordinate birds.


However, I do notice also, that not all the birds sleep according to their rank in the flock. It isn't a hard and fast rule. The gold partridge silkie next to Smokey the blue cochin bantam cockerel is bottom of the social order, but she is at the top, snoozing next to the top of the flock, Smokey. Some of those silkies sleeping at the top rung are also low on the social ranking, so it seems that they are allowed up sometimes.


The birds sleep even with my white light on, I'm leaving the light on, to provide more artificial light for 14 hours, to sustain egg production through winter. All my hens are still laying, even though we're fast approaching mid Dec. I'm so proud of them.


Mixed up flock, from left, Goldie, frizzled gold Cochin pullet, buff orp pullet, silkies and Cochins.


Ashley chilliing on the 3rd rung, and then slowly moved up later to the top, next to Smokey. Not shown on pic.


Black silkie baby, hopping his way up the rungs.


A bunch of multi colored silkie, looks like a United Colors of Benetton advert.


I have to add though, the silkies are always the first birds every evening, to go into the chicken coop. Its like a first come first serve basis on the perches, until someone higher on the rank, shoves them down to the lower level.

I love all my silkies, and all my birds. The Cochins and silkies are my fav breeds right now.
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What awesome photos! Nice set up but do the birds on the lower run get pooped on by the ones on the higher rung? I like how the windows are secured.
No, they don't get pooped on because there is enough gap apart from the roosts. Next year, I plan to build 2 long houses, 8 x 4, and make it more long sideways, rather than taller. I guess we all learn as we go along. When I first planned and we built this chicken coop, I didn't foresee that I'd end up wanting more chickens. I thought, oh an 8 x 8 x 8 house is big enough for some birds, but now, I'm already hatching eggs in winter and planning on buying more chickens in spring and summer, so I most definitely need more housing next year...
I want your Silkies - please!

Mine have always roosted - they are my best chickens ever - my black cochin is very cute too - as are all of my other chickens - ahhhh... I love them all in many different ways, at the moment I am paying special attention to Tweebie ( White Silkie) and Golfball ( Sussex Chick) - they come to me whenever I call their names - flapping wings, heads down and charging towards me - food perhaps???

Hard to find them in the snow here so it is great that they charge at me when I cal their names!

Love your photographs - such lovely birds.... OK so now can I have at least ONE of your Silkies? I have white Silkies but any other colour is most welcome!

How cute they are going with the flow lol. My little mo old silkies are flying out of thier brooder so I bet they will be able to perch too. I have them in with some Marans for now so they all think they are the same.
Hi Suzie,

Ironically, I have every color of the silkie, except White. Opposite from you...

I'm hatching some silkie eggs now, and I don't know if there is any white in there because its an assortment of silkies, but I can't wait to have 1 good white silkie. Oh, how I wish I could.

Do you have pics of your silkies up somewhere? Wish I could see.

It seems that silkies roost (or don't) because of how they are raised. All my silkies roost, always have. But I've always had other 'flying' chickens with them growing up, so I think the others train them.

If given a ladder-type roost like yours, my silkies would go all the way to the top. Currently my silkies have a roost that is about 18"-24" off the ground and have no trouble getting on their roost.
[Aarggghh! Help - this is so complicated - I am desperately trying to send a picture of my baby Silkie Tweebie to you - I did read your instructions but I cannot understand WHY is it SO complicated to post a picture on the BYC Website?

Maybe the pic will appear!

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