Silkies Question


In the Brooder
Apr 26, 2018
Hi all- my friend bought me 6 silkies for my birthday. Wow what a different breed

I have them separated now but will this breed be okay with the other
Birds? If they turn out to be roosters is this okay also? Do I have to treat them any different than the other birds? I read that they aren’t great egg producers, about 3 a week- any difference in appearance or taste?

Thanks in advance
Silkies are the same as other chickens just a lot more fluffy haha, mine do lay less than my other chickens and are a lot more broodier. I've heard people say that they don't cope well with cold or water but I've kept mine quite hardy so this doesn't bother them too much. You don't have treat them any different but you may find they can be more friendlier and pet like. As for putting them with your other chickens I would be careful as they could be attacked I would try and consider seeing if you can create a separate run for them or you could try putting them together just be careful and keep an eye on them. Hope this helps!
Silkies are the same as other chickens just a lot more fluffy haha, mine do lay less than my other chickens and are a lot more broodier. I've heard people say that they don't cope well with cold or water but I've kept mine quite hardy so this doesn't bother them too much. You don't have treat them any different but you may find they can be more friendlier and pet like. As for putting them with your other chickens I would be careful as they could be attacked I would try and consider seeing if you can create a separate run for them or you could try putting them together just be careful and keep an eye on them. Hope this helps!

You could use the see but don't touch rule to introduce them to the rest of your flock. I have five silkies: 1 roo and 4 hens that live with a mixed flock of other bantams and full size hens and get along just fine.

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