Silkie Owner Questions


11 Years
Apr 4, 2013
I have four Silkie hens, one Silkie roo. The girls just started laying a few weeks ago, and now all four are laying. But I've noticed that they have taken to hiding their eggs in their nest (one communal) in the shavings, along with one who refuses to use the nest, but lays her egg between the waterer and the feeder in their coop area. She also buries her eggs. I mean they are literally burying them deep in the shavings! Is this normal behavior for them to hide their eggs in such a manner? My other large fowl birds don't do this. Maybe this is why Silkies get the reputation for not being reliable egg layers, but they take to hiding them where you can't find them, until they're rotten or suddenly you have chicks you weren't expecting? I'm curious to see what other Silkie parents have experienced, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I know! This is strange behavior for me, and I've had large fowl chickens for nine years now. My bigger birds don't bury their eggs, but these four are burying theirs! Hence why I am asking. I use nesting pads in my large fowl nesting boxes, but they can still 'bury' them if they truly wanted to. My Silkies are not in the same coop with the LF. They have their own coop.

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