Silkie not laying eggs/ not crowing... what is it?


Free Ranging
6 Years
Jun 14, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Hi there.

Last year in July I got a dozen chicks and 5 were Silkies. Well 3 were roos and the other "hen" died so there's one left. Its name is Wessel. Wessel is not laying any eggs and he (I call it a "he" for no reason :p) is not crowing either. I'm fairly certain it is a female because there are no pointy feathers or anything but... there's no eggs!!

What could be the problem? And I know it is not jumping out because he is outside in a small pen all day and there's no eggs.

Wessel was always a bit off so I think he might have a brain problem or something but what has really gotten me stumped is why he's not laying any eggs.

Anyone have an idea?
We just gave him a soak down so that’s why the feathers are a bit droopy.

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