Silkie cold coma


Apr 26, 2020
Lansing, Michigan
One of my four 10 week silkies was found yesterday cold and laying outside on the sidewalk. I brought him in and wrapped him in a towel and carefully used a dropper to get a little water in his mouth. He couldn't hold his own neck up. After a hour he started to be able to hold his own neck up and move his beak and wiggle his head to get the water down. Then he could sit up but not on his feet. I mixed a tiny bit of food with the water and kept dropping it in little by little. He was soon able to chirp and sit on his feet. I gave him a tiny bit of Greek yogurt with feed in it. That's where we are at now. Can I do anything more than I am doing now?
Do you have any idea why he is sick? What do his droppings look like? Is he kept in a coop, and how cold is it where you live? Had you been providing any extra heat? Can you get some Poultry Cell or NutriDrench and give him a few drops daily? I would continue to offer water and food often. Adding a little water to a small amount of feed would be good. Cooked egg is also good to offer.
Do you have any idea why he is sick? What do his droppings look like? Is he kept in a coop, and how cold is it where you live? Had you been providing any extra heat? Can you get some Poultry Cell or NutriDrench and give him a few drops daily? I would continue to offer water and food often. Adding a little water to a small amount of feed would be good. Cooked egg is also good to offer.
He was damp when I put him outside apparently thats what caused it. They are basically liquid He is in the house in a box with straw and a heater on 68. I will try to get some for him. Thank you for your response!

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