Silkie bantam not responding - sitting down. In shock?


7 Years
Jun 12, 2012
Hi !

we've had 2 bantam hens and 1 silkie bantam chicken for the past two years. We did have another silkie bantam but sadly she passed away as she had sprained/broke her leg and had to be put down.

i'm 19, and our family chickens live in the back garden. We've got two cats, one young one who likes to run about a lot... it's fine to leave the cats and the chickens out together because although they do get a little scared at times, they've always been fine.

however, after a lot of noise earlier (maybe the cat got too close?), the two bantams must have ran in, yet the silkie bantam, was just oddily sat on the grass. i picked her up, smoothed her, so did my Mum, but she didn't respond to anything - mealworms, or a smooth. I put her back down to see if she'd walk in, she waddled a bit, and then sat down and went to lay to the side a bit.

she's now in the coup resting, but what is wrong with her? could it have been a heart attack or a panic attack or something? apparently chickens can get them? do you think she'll be okay?

she so lovely though... if you walk over to her, she'll bend down, and let you smooth her. :(

thank you
With that info, I would move her to a nice, quiet, dark location where she can recover from the trauma. Maybe some vitamins and electrolytes.
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I'm sorry :( Tough day for chickens. Our neighbors dog busted down part of our fence this morning and killed one of our chickens.
One of the loveliest animals ever. Rest In Peace... Nugget x

Having a mud/dust bath... What she liked a lot!

I'm so sorry for your loss
I am so sorry. Your story and photos made me cry. I am sorry for your loss. I am sitting with my dwarf silkie that my dog grabbed because she slipped under the fence. I am hopeful she will recover. My dog let her go when i told him to. I hope she is okay after the trauma. She drinks fine

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