*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.

Sorry if that was mean.
I don't want to go too far.

No, I was teasing you. It's all in good fun.
Sorry if that was mean.
I don't want to go too far.

No, I was teasing you. It's all in good fun.

Ok, good. Just makin' sure. Now that we're all good.....

Vulture venture?
Those who tell you what you want to hear are not true friends.
Duckygurl and I have real concerns about the little naked neck aliens and what they might do to you and your flock. You do know the purpose of the naked neck, right??? THEY ARE FLESH EATERS! The lack of feathers on the neck is a throwback to pre historic velociraptors that wore off all their neck feathers wiping blood and gore off their necks.
Never turn your back on a NN and all goodness forbid that you might ever fall down in a pen of the blood thirsty little creatures.
Yes EXACTLY! See, Sourland knows what he is talking about. Know why they seem to poop in that one spot before the door? They want you to step in, unsuspecting, and BAM! You slip, and dazed stay down. I tell you, they are evil.
Yes EXACTLY! See, Sourland knows what he is talking about. Know why they seem to poop in that one spot before the door? They want you to step in, unsuspecting, and BAM! You slip, and dazed stay down. I tell you, they are evil.

Sorry, but, what you say won't stop Tani and I from our vulture venture!

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