*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

A Knight in a sheet ? How's that going to work ?
I’m still trying to figure out how Spook got promoted!
Brownies would lure him in, jelly beans would set the trap and donuts would slow him down but what bait did he use on our Queen?
He’s always one step ahead of us Sour. I bet that knighthood comes with brownies or something
I’m still trying to figure out how Spook got promoted!
Brownies would lure him in, jelly beans would set the trap and donuts would slow him down but what bait did he use on our Queen?
He’s always one step ahead of us Sour. I bet that knighthood comes with brownies or something
What can I say? You know I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Spook. :idunno

We might have had a bit of a rocky on-again, off-again, on-again, scandal-again relationship in the past, but that Ghost has sure got a way with words.
Who is in favor of my bestowing @Tanichca , with the title of Elder, and the overseer and babysitter of the new litter of Youngers we have?

But remember what happened? Back in the day? There she was, supposedly avoiding the sparkles, and she dove right into a huge pile of them!

Aye on Tani as an Elder - in reality she was an Elder when she was a Younger.

Now, that is true. She was sensible... so rare in a younger...

While I’ve yet to hear a decent excuse for her bucket falling off and getting caught with a sparkle....

I vote yea

because I darn sure don’t want the job

Ditto! :old
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of Tani the Elder.

Maybe this batch of Younger's will have a decent chance of turning out right if they have someone with some semblance of sanity and sense to follow? :gig
If SirSpook gets promoted and Tani gets to be an elder I want my promotion too darn it.
how about kingdom gardener?
And the broody magician should get promoted to wizard.
We can’t promote Blue. She’s the only one that knows how to take care of the moat monsters.
and Alaskan? I dunno. What’s the current title?

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