*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Yeah... licking conjunctions means licking a few buts. And ands and ors, but still.
You'll have jumped right off of the cliff and into the pit of uck!


My two youngest, for Home School presentations today...did a report on maggot cheese.

Another family with a bunch of boys did a report on mealworms... that they brought with them. They said the mealworms are tasty. But even though we got to look and play with the mealworms...in three of their life stages....there were not enough for us all to eat some. :D
My kids all watched as many documentaries as they could find...

Youngest loved the fact that you need to hold one hand over your cheese covered bread...so the maggots do not jump in your eyes.

Second to youngest loved the fact that if you eat too many....the maggots burrow out of your intestines...and you die. :rolleyes: His goal was to see if his descriptions during the talk would "make them barf!!" :ya

Boys. :confused:
You can tell him that Sour barfed.

Jumping maggots
(and I am far from squeamish) , but can you imagine walking up to a decaying deer carcass covered in 'jumping maggots' ?

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